Of course, there are differences. She is stronger and braver than I am, and much more outgoing! Her beauty and kind smile make her much more approachable than me, who has a somewhat.... prickly demeanor at times. Her food palate is much tougher and more sophisticated than mine. She is the fastest reader I know! I don't know if I dilly-dally while reading or what, but man, she knocks those books out quickly!
But in spite of our differences, or maybe because of them, we are very close. She is undoubtedly my best human friend, and I am SO grateful that I have her. We have been through a LOT together- my health problems, her health problems, family problems, moving, the loss of loved ones... I don't think I'd have made it without her.
We have words and names that mean special things just to us: smat, ex-aww-stid, Sisyphus, Paul Giamatti, Mose. She knows I love the show Mystery Diners, just as I know she adores The Office. She's perfectly okay with me hating Justin Bieber, just like I accept her hatred of Dave Mustaine. We love each other's animals, and make fun of them too. I always poke and jiggle her cat Flo's ample stomach and Emmy calls my cat Sheldon a "mama's boy" and says he "bleats like a goat".
We like to share books and movies and music and TV shows... she is responsible for my obsessions with Big Bang Theory, Supernatural, AND Game of Thrones! Just today we shook hands and agreed that I would read Watership Down if she reads A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.
True, we squabble sometimes... we are sisters! She once put a big, hairy spider on my backpack (and STILL denies it), and I might have once or twice interrupted phone calls to her mid-school boyfriend, singing and playing "You Ain't Nothin' But a Hound Dog" on my acoustic guitar over the phone, to her horror.
But despite it all, here we are! Closer than ever, and always supporting and sticking up for each other. It is her birthday, and I couldn't be more grateful that I have her!
Happy Birthday, Emmy!!
Love, SaSa
P.S. I can't wait to give her her present! I spent a long time on it and WOUNDED my finger making it, an injury that has been mercilessly mocked by our father. I will post pics, I promise! :)