Thursday, April 16, 2015

Happy (Almost) Birthday to Otis!

This upcoming Monday, April the 20th is a very important day. It is first of all, I suppose, the 11 year anniversary of my suicide attempt. Last year for the big 1-0, I wrote this blog:

MORE IMPORTANTLY, however, it is the day we celebrate as my dog's birthday!! Here, by way of celebration, is just an OBSCENE amount of photos of her...

It's kind of difficult to put into words how much she means to me... I mean... she's kind of everything.

Lately, due to her being an old lady and all, more and more people have been starting to ask me how I'm going to handle losing her. All I can really say is this:
I think at some point she and I swapped bits of our souls. So when she dies, it is gonna hurt like hell, because not only will I be losing her, but a little bit of me will die right along with her. But at the same time, as long as I'm here, she will be too. Because there will always be a bit of her that lives inside me.

It's that simple, and that complicated :)

But all dramatics aside, she's really doing quite well for eleven! She loves to walk and run and chase balls and eat chew sticks and go for rides and sleep next to me. She's a good, good dog.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, to my bestest friend.

I love you.


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