Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving: A Poem!

Happy Thanksgiving, guys! For this special occasion, I wrote a poem! Poetry is not really a talent of mine, but I enjoy rhyming occasionally.

Thanksgiving: A Poem!
By Sarah Record

Today, we're all closed-
ACE, schools and the banks.
Why? Well that's silly-
It's time to give thanks!
Hey, you family! From West Virginia to Albuquerque-
Let's all get together and munch on some turkey!
It's really not possible, I know it. It's true.
There's too much distance between me and you.
But! In an effort to close that large gap,
I've compiled a list! Gasp! Your jaw hit your lap!
I know that it's shocking- what a plot twist!
But here is my "I am thankful for" list:
I'm thankful for Otis! My dog, my best friend.
Without her, my life would have come to an end.
When I was at my lowest, she brought me back up,
That silly, tenacious, potato-sized pup!
She's older now, of course, that fat, sassy pet
For the rest of my life I'll owe her an unpayable debt.
I'm thankful for family, each and every day.
They support me in every conceivable way.
They love me unconditionally, and that's saying a lot.
They've stood by me through every battle I've fought.
I'm thankful for my cats- they bring endless laughter,
Even when Shelly's hanging from the rafters.
I love them to death, and they love me back. I'm certain!
It's just hard to remember when they're ripping up my curtains.
I'm thankful for TV! For Sheldon, for Dwight!
For Supernatural creatures that go bump in the night.
For Dean and for Sam, the Winchester brothers.
For Game of Thrones dragons and their Targaryen mothers.
I'm thankful for books- the words trap me like cages.
I'm thankful for the wisdom, held in their pages.
I'm thankful for stories- Hobbits with a ring as their burden,
Characters like the Joker, Katniss and Tyler Durden.
I'm thankful for Clozaril, my miracle med-
It keeps things calm inside of my head.
I'm thankful for Youtube, for!
They make it easy to stay in touch with my mom.
I'm thankful for Dr. Pepper and beef Ramen noodles.
I'm thankful for blank paper on which I doodle.
I'm thankful for cameras, the click of the lens,
I'm thankful for Sharpies, colored pencils and pens.
I'm thankful for perfume, for Chapstick, and hair dye,
I'm thankful for computers, cell phones and Wi-Fi.
I'm thankful for my sister when we binge-watch TV shows,
For singing Zeppelin with my dad when we miss all the high-notes.
I'm thankful for cool t-shirts and stupid internet memes.
I'm thankful for sleep, and in my sleep, dreams.
To sum it all up, I'm thankful for a lot!
I wish I was a better poet, but I gave it a shot.
I hope you all had excellent Thanksgivings Day meals.
Now go out and find those Black Friday deals!

Happy Thanksgiving, guys!

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