Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Eve

Being the day before Thanksgiving, Super Save was pretty insanely busy at about 3:00 this afternoon when I went with my dad. The aisles were full of shoppers bumping carts and at the checkout counter, the clerks and baggers were looking tired and frazzled.

My dad told me to go to Super Save with him because that way he could go back to work and I could take the groceries straight home and put them away, refrigerate them, etc. This is true and I did so, but I know the real reason he had me go with him-- to read the super-small writing on the back of packages! Even with his reading glasses he can only see the smallish stuff so-so and the tiny writing not at all. I guess it would make sense for me to just go by myself but I'm glad that wasn't the case because as we went up and down the aisles, I was in charge of reading and marking off the grocery list he had written and, I've gotta say, wow! It would kinda make sense to think that if one person has messy handwriting and can read what they write, they should be able to decipher someone else's messy handwrting, but no. I have a horrible scrawl and can (usually!) read what I write, but if my dad hadn't been there today translating, I would have have looked in vain for PEAR OAT SHRNP, WHILO WTNO VIWOM, and LUMA JUISA and completely missed out on Peal/Eat Shrimp, White Wine Vinegar and Lemon Juice.

An update on my dad's new phone, if you're interested: today we briefly went over texting.

I went in to the ACE store again today before grocery shopping and as I sat at my dad's desk behind the parts counter doing computer work, my uncle stuck his head around the corner and in a casual voice stated that he had sent my dad a text and wondered if I knew if my dad had read it. I told him no, I didn't know for sure but doubted it since he didn't know how. My uncle gave a devilish grin before disappearing and told me to make sure he read it, as it was "quite complimentary."

Before my dad and I left for the grocery store we sat in his truck and I gave him a quick texting lesson. This consisted of first learning how to access the messages and it was then that I got to read my uncle's "quite complimentary" message. I leaned over and saw the simple text:

"Up yours."

I am proud to say that I actually do think my dad will now be able to at least read texts sent to him, plus make and receive calls, and this is only Day 2! I think we may get through this.

Thanksgiving is tomorrow! Here is a quick list of what I feel most thankful for:

- my dog, Otis, who saved my life, sleeps with me, and always knows just what to say
- my family, who love and accept and encourage me, no matter how many weird and idiotic things I do
- the fact that I still have one full holiday season with my mom and step-dad before they move
- digital photography
- perfume
- corrective lenses
- books/my Kindle
- the fact that my house is still standing after last year's Track Fire
- Dr. Pepper
- Dr. Steven Martin and Dr. Jane Boyer
- hair dye
- electric blankets
- the fact that I'm still young enough that most people find it acceptable that I don't know exactly what I want to be when I grow up
- Orange Tic-Tacs
- the fact that no matter how much time goes by, I'll still be able to play Chopsticks and Heart and Soul on the piano and Tool's "Schism" and CKY's "96 Quite Bitter Beings" on my bass guitar
- Clozaril
- beef Ramen noodles
- Barb, my GPS unit
- art supplies

... and so much more!

I plan to get up early enough to watch some of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with my dad and sister because
1. It's kind of a tradition and
2. This year I'm working on Miracle on 34th Street as a tech and the play starts out with the parade!

Happy Thanksgiving and a busy Black Friday to you all!


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