Wednesday, October 1, 2014


On a daily basis I get asked questions. At work, at the movie theater, in line at the grocery store... questions! Some concern my appearance, some concern my personal life, a few concern my family, and a few concern prices of rental equipment.

All the big, fancy companies have websites with Frequently Asked Questions so I thought I would follow suit! I want to be fancy and classy too! Plus, I'm a little bit obnoxious.

If you have any questions, let me know! And like the fancy companies I strive to emulate, I may get back to you within the next four to six weeks. During business hours, of course.

"Your name is Elizabeth, right?"

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh so close. Actually it's Sarah. Elizabeth is my way awesomer older sister. People confuse us all the time and insist we are close to twins, but she and I don't see the physical resemblances much at all!

If it helps you, think of me as "Sarah with the crazy Hair-uh!"

"Why is there a safety pin in your ear? Didn't it hurt?"

As to why it is there, I can't really say. It's been there for years and years and years because I like it. And no, it didn't hurt in the slightest! I guess people assume I pierced my ear with the safety pin and left it in there, but that wasn't the case. I got it professionally pierced and later put the safety pin in the hole.

"What does your tattoo say?"

I have two featuring words, the biggest one reading: "We all carry these things inside that no one else can see" which is a quote from a song. The smaller says "expletive." backwards.

"Would you like to learn more about our lord and savior Jesus Christ?"


"What does it cost to rent a sewer snake?"

Do you want a large or a small? The large go for $60.00 a day and the small are $35.00 a day. Which one you need depends on the size of the pipe and the distance you need it to go. We don't recommend using more than two rolls of cable.

"And what about renting a carpet shampooer?"

They go for $20.00 a day, plus tax and the cost of shampoo. Would you like me to reserve one for you?

[in response to the toy Sheriff's badge I wear on my ACE apron]
"So you're the Sheriff around here, huh?"

Yes. Self-appointed.

"Is that your real hair?"

If you're asking if it is my natural hair color, um, no it's not. But it's not a wig!

"How do you get your hair that color?"

If I'm feeling particularly sassy, when people ask that question I tell them it's natural and I just woke up with it like that. But, if you're genuinely interested, I will tell you. I have to bleach it, wash it, let it dry, dye it, and wash it out. It is tiring and time-consuming but I love my colorful hair!

"What does your necklace say? Who's that?"

My necklace says "OTIS". She is my dog and my best friend.

"Is that cat hair on your shirt?"

Oh. Heh. Yeah, probably.

"So you have pets?"

Yes! Otis and I have three cats- Sheldon, Amy and Three. [Bonus question: So you like The Big Bang Theory? Just a little bit....] He doesn't really count, but there is also a lizard that frequents my front porch and I call him Clarky.

"Must you take pictures of EVERYTHING?"

Yes, and if you don't stop bothering me you may find an unflattering, paparazzi-style photo of you on Facebook soon!



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