Friday, September 9, 2016

She's Got Style!

My one great vanity is my hair. My hair color, specifically. Has been for years! So when people ask how I would describe my personal style, I struggle to find a term better than "hair-based." Okay, my everyday style could be called, I suppose, "casual". I wear jeans and a black t-shirt just about every single day. As boring as that sounds, the range and scope of my black t-shirts is impressive, and just about every book, movie, and TV show I love is represented. Don't believe me? Just try me!

Frasier? Big Bang Theory? Supernatural? Duh.
Suicide Squad? It may be new, but I'm good at getting t-shirts quickly.
Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter? Who doesn't? Not to mention, I have a couple t-shirts even of the actual Abraham Lincoln.
Lord of the Rings? Bingo, from the trilogy and The Hobbit!
Game of Thrones? You make me laugh!
Harry Potter? Always ;)

Not to mention, a bunch of totally random shirts like a cat wearing Batman's mask, one from the Albuquerque Rattlesnake Museum, an "I love Otis" shirt, and last but not least, this winner:

But... style?

Several years ago, I was at my Grama's house and found this picture, of my Gram's father and his sisters:

Now, THEY had style! And what about the "master of the house" featured in this clipping (also found at my Gram's house, incidentally) from a verrrrry old magazine:

Those were TRUE masters of fashion. And I understand that there are plenty of people around today that are actually clothing gurus.. I used to watch What Not To Wear with my mom all the time!

... I just will never be one. And that bothers me not one iota! I just settle with having awesome hair, fun perfume (I'm obsessed!), cool jewelry and wearing "interesting" makeup (bright green eyeliner and two gold dots at the outer corners of both eyes, thank yew very much!). And I wear my heart not on my sleeve, but on the front of a t-shirt.

That's all the style I need :)


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