Thursday, April 23, 2015

I Get It From My Mom

I told you April is a birthday month! Otis just had a spectacular birthday. She says thanks for all your birthday wishes!

And now, here in just a few days, it's gonna be my Mom's (Maggie Robertson-Linsky) birthday! If we could, my sister and I would take a plane right on over to West Virginia and celebrate with her. Unfortunately, though, I don't think that will happen, what with work and school, etc.

So instead, I want to celebrate my mom in a blog! It's funny, at the store I have a bunch of customers that come in and comment on my facial family resemblance. Some people say I look just like my dad, and a select few swear I'm the spitting image of my grandmother, minus the hair color. But I think the majority of people say I look like my mom.

But I get a whole lot more from her than just some facial features. And my sister, Emmy, is the same way!  Here below is a list, along with a bunch of random, old pictures I dug up. (Please note, not all pictures really correspond with the text.)




Things my mom gave me:

A fondness of chocolate and olives, though not together!

A passion for reading

A fair bit of musical ability



Natural writer

A love of all animals


Very protective of loved ones

A whole lot of creativity...

And just a little bit of wild!

And here are a few of her qualities I don't have, but wish I did! Maybe someday...

She's very good with people

She's beautiful!

And she's SO brave.

I love you, Mom! Happy, happy, happy, happy birthday!


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