Thursday, May 21, 2015

I Don't Mean to Brag, But...

Tomorrow is Raton High School's graduation! Many young adults will soon be headed towards college and work and new cities, my cousin Danny among them.

It's crazy to think that it was already five years ago that I graduated! Since then, I've taken some college classes and I got a job, and to be honest, I've done a lot of growing up. Some things I can state exactly, like getting my own place, and some things are more abstract and hard to describe exactly, like state of mind and maturity.

So in this time of graduation and college acceptance letters and job applications, I think we should all take into consideration even the smallest accomplishments! It doesn't have to be something absolutely huge and life-changing to have a positive effect on your life.

So I have compiled a short list of "accomplishments" from the past few years. They're mostly for fun, but my point is still valid.
(yes, some of them are just plain stupid... they're the best ones!)

Winning my 5th grade spelling bee!

I won with the word "clingy". I still have the trophy! And, may I say, I'm still a pretty awesome speller.

Battling mental health problems... and winning

True, this is an ongoing battle, and always will be. But still, I'm on the winning side. And anymore, it's not so much a battle as a lifetime relationship. We will always know and work around each other, but as equals.

My silver medal in P.E.

Seventh grade! In mid-school the teachers could give medals to the students who did the most. This was just plain amazing because I did almost NOTHING in P.E. all year, but instead hung out with the teacher a lot. I am an awful athlete, but I did at least try all the activities...

Voted "Most Likely to Set a World Record"

8th grade! I think, more than anything, it had to do with the fact that "Record" is my last name, but it was still exciting. And who knows? Maybe I will!

Longest Consecutive Time Logged in at ACE Hardware

This was a great number of years ago! I think the final count was just over 1000 hours... I came in once and did some computer work and forgot to clock out. Then over a month later I came back to work a little more and was like... whoa!!

My 8th grade math teacher holding up my math binder in each and every one of her classes as the perfect example of what a math binder SHOULD NOT look like

One of my proudest moments. And I wasn't even trying!!

Chasing my dream of being a writer

Yes, this blog is definitely one of my tools! Practicing and getting in the habit of writing. But lately, I've been working a lot on a few story lines for potential novels. Exciting, exciting!

Just plain living!

Self explanatory... learning, growing, living! And I really love this song...

Congratulations grads of all ages!


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