Thursday, May 7, 2015

Life's Mysteries... Solved!

I feel like trying something a little bit different today... some reader involvement! I am going to write out a few actual "mysterious" experiences from my own life and see if you can figure them out! I will have the solutions down below, but give them your best shot and let me know how you did. Good luck! ;)


1. My dad is an avid, talented cook. He likes to plan the meals he will make a week or two in advance! He enjoys sitting in front of the TV at night, surrounded by pets, and writing out his menus. His cats, especially the extremely fluffy Bill, enjoy sitting on various surfaces such as nearby tables, the backs of chairs, or even my dad's head and shoulders as he writes. His dogs enjoy the fruits of his labors! They usually get a taste of my dad's meals on their dinner crunchers!
Currently, my dad writes his menus in notebooks or spare sheets of paper. For a while, he tried using a small, magnetic marker-board that could be hung on the fridge, but was small enough that he could (and usually did) just leave it on his chair-side table. However, he began having weird problems with the marker board: he would write out his menus day by day, and the words would quickly fade! There was nothing wrong with the markers or board he was using, and it wasn't in the sun, or any environment that would bleach the words away.

Question: WHAT was happening to my dad's marker board?

2. Quite a few years ago, I decided to get my most recent tattoo. It's on my arm and it says, "We all carry these things inside that no one else can see," which is a quote from the Bring Me The Horizon song, "Chelsea Smile". Anyway, I finally made up my mind and I was so excited, I decided I HAD to tell my dad right then and there. It was nighttime and he was sleeping deeply, so I shook him awake.
"Dad! Dad, dad, dad!" I said excitedly. "I think I'm gonna get a new tattoo before school starts! It's a quote from a song."
He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and frowned. He doesn't like tattoos anyway, but more than annoyed, he seemed downright confused.
"What?" he mumbled. "But... WHY? You're... you're not even religious!"

Question: WHAT ON EARTH was my dad talking about?

3. Kittens can really be a handful! Especially when you're really smart like me and get three at once... mine are called Sheldon, Amy, and Three! When they were babies, they climbed on everything, as opposed to now, when they climb on.. ALMOST everything.
Anyway, our story begins on a beautiful summer evening almost two years ago! We (Me, Otis, cats) were still living in our house out of town, and I had the house's windows open as far as they would go to let some cool summer night air in through the warm, stuffy house, with just the screens in place to keep bugs out and cats in. I had on a bunch of fans to circulate the air, and back then I still insisted on closing my bedroom door at night, so Otis and I might get some peace from the little terrors. When I went to sleep, everything was normal- the gentle breeze and quiet drone of fans pulling me into sleep.
WHAM!! I awoke with a gasp right after three in the morning to an awful ruckus.

Question: WHAT did Sheldon do now?


1. Bill's fluffy butt was happening to the marker board! It took forever for us to catch it, but apparently old Bill enjoyed sitting on it often enough that his fluff was erasing the words!

2. The combination of my very excited mood and his sleepy state led him to mishear what I told him. He thought I said, "It's a quote from a psalm!" Perhaps the better question about this scenario was why I felt the need to wake him up to tell him that, instead of waiting a few hours...

3. The crash was Sheldon climbing on the window screen... and the screen falling through! I slammed the window shut and ran outside as fast as I possibly could, convinced I would never see my poor kitten again! About six seconds later, a terrified Sheldon flew around the side of the house into my arms, and believe me, he told me ALL about it!

So... how'd ya do??



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