Friday, August 21, 2015

Confessions From My Phone

Hi, ho, there readers! It's been a while. In my defense, I've had a busy month. Driving all over the country and what not! Anyway, I have a "notes" function in my cell phone that I use all. The. Time. I like to write down blog ideas, among other things. And every so often I like to clear it out. So today's blog will be a list of some weird, random, confession-type notes in my phone that, at some point, I felt like sharing with you in a blog!
  • Gasoline is one of my favorite smells in the entire world. They say that scent is the strongest sense tied to memory, and I grew up in and around ACE's shop, which is filled to the brim with gas and oil and heavy machinery. To me, gasoline smells comforting and calming.
  • I recently joined Pottermore, which, if you are unfamiliar with it, is an interactive, online Harry Potter community where you are sorted into houses, get a wand, earn points, etc. I didn't mean to, but I was sorted into Slytherin. I'm not sure how to feel about that.

  • When I go to McDonalds and then head straight home, I get a McDouble off the dollar menu for Otis. Always.
  • I am not afraid of the dark at all, but I do have a nightlight in my kitchen. It projects an image of the planets on the ceiling!
  • I am a pretty gentle, non-violent person who loves animals very much, but I do draw a line somewhere. For example, a few weeks ago, I had a mother and daughter come into ACE, and they were both visibly upset. The mother approached the counter and said in a quavery voice, "Where is your grasshopper killer?"
    The daughter let out a sob-like breath. "Mom! How can you--"
    Her mother put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, sweetie. I don't have a choice." She turned back to me.
    "Uhhhhhhh, right this way," I managed, and led them to the chemical aisle. I showed them our bottles of Sevin, the product we recommend most for grasshoppers, and left to give them some privacy, because I could tell something very... deep, was going on. Close to 15 minutes passed before they came with their Sevin to the cash register. At this point, the daughter was actually tearing up, and the mother looked like she might be sick. As I scanned and bagged their insecticide, I heard the mother say to her daughter in a low voice, "They're eating all my vegetables. I don't want to kill anything either, but my crops are dying."
    I tried not to gape. They were that upset about killing grasshoppers. Maybe working there has made me jaded and insensitive, but I'm sorry. They're GRASSHOPPERS
  • My hair is by far my greatest vanity and has been for about ten years now!

  • Awhile back, my sister was being awesome like usual and bought me the 96 PACK OF CRAYONS! You know, the ones everyone lusts after in grade school? Yeah. It was pretty amazing. Although I couldn't decide if I felt more grown up or more immature. Hmmmmm
  • Every year out in the Greenhouse, there are those inevitable days when NOTHING is going on, but I'm stuck out there to man the register and fold boxes. Well, over the years, I've devised ways of keeping myself busy out there. I weave old bits of twine into bracelets, and I make paper snowflakes, and I do a lot of writing! I try to have paper on me at all times- in carry some in my bag, there's a few notebooks by my bed, and I carry a small pad of paper in my ACE apron pocket. When The Urge to Write strikes, I'm prepared!
  • I've semi-recently begun to see a new psychiatrist, because my old one retired. From the beginning, I could see he was a really nice, sensible guy, but I pushed off any big judgements of him until I knew him a little better. The last time I saw him was right before my sister and I went on our big trip out east. I was telling him how excited I was to go, but how I hated leaving all my pets behind. He nodded, and thought for a minute.
    "You know," he said quietly, almost to himself, "My wife would be annoyed if she knew I told people this..." then he shrugged and leaned towards me conspiratorially. "When we go out of town, she likes to call our house phone and talk to our cats through the answering machine."
    I decided to go ahead and like him.

I promise I'll get back into the habit of writing more.. I miss it!

Happy Saturday :)


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