Thursday, September 17, 2015

My Culinary Universe

Big props go to my sister, Elizabeth Record, because I could not think of a single thing to blog about and she brainstormed for me!

I am a creature of habit. That is the understatement of the century! I like having routines. I like normalcy! If someone were to accuse me of being stuck in a rut, I would agree with them wholeheartedly, except to giggle and say, "You have no idea..."

This is especially evident in my culinary habits. I am very, very picky, and when I find something I like, I STICK TO IT! Why would you risk having something gross when you already have something you love?

If I had to pick, say, five foods/drinks to live on for the rest of my life (not including water) they would be:

  1. Beef Ramen Noodle Soup
  2. Dr. Pepper
  3. Orange Creme yogurt (see how health-conscious I am?)
  4. Milk chocolate
  5. Sour cream and onion chips
I would not be even remotely healthy, but I would be very satisfied! Although, I do have an issue with Gastronomic Redundancy and that would be unpleasant.

Still don't know the Stuck-in-a-Rutness I am speaking of? The following is a list of what I have at certain restaurants, just as an example. Basically if I eat somewhere more than once, I know exactly what I will be having way ahead of time. Saves a lot of time reading menus!

  • El Matador: Chicken Strip dinner, Dr. Pepper, water, and some chips (no salsa, thanks, too spicy for this wimp)
  • Taco Bell: T8 with soft-shell tacos, Dr. Pepper, Cinnamon Twists
  • Chef Lius: Small order of Wonton Soup, two eggrolls and a Shirley Temple
  • Subway: 6 inch, white bread, turkey. Yep, that's all. You can roll up the sandwich now!

As I said, I am extremely picky, and it would take wayyyyyyyy too long to make a list of everything I refuse to consume, but I will do a small one of the stranger ones:
  • Whipped cream. Just....gross, man
  • Pie. Of any kind. Don't like working with pi either, for that matter
  • Green or red chile. I'm an embarrassment to the state of New Mexico!
  • Strawberries. It's a consistency thing. Those stupid little seeds that make you want to gag and choke
  • Cherries. Again, consistency. I won't even eat the ones that come in my Shirley Temples. One upon a time at a sleepover, I got dared to eat a cherry with ranch dressing on it. Scarred me for life.
  • Pickles! This one isn't so strange... it seems that with pickles, either you love them or you hate them. I'm definitely a hater. When we go to movies my sister likes to eat them sitting next to me
  • Ketchup. Don't like tomatoes, don't like mashed tomatoes, not even on fries. No thank you!
  • Gravy. I think it would be quicker to say, I am not a condiment person. With the exception of a little butter or salt, nothing for me! I don't like eating things that are all mixed up, like when people take potatoes and peas and gravy and smush them all into one gigantic stack. I'd rather eat each ingredient separately.
  • Beer. Sorry, just not my thing. It's just nasty. I'm a vodka girl!
  • Nuts. Aside from in a select few candies and peanut butter, just keep them away from me, yeah? Why ruin perfectly good ice cream with nuts?
So there you have it! Written proof that I am an unusual, unhealthy eater. That actually sums me up pretty well ;)

(the soup connoisseur) 

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