Thursday, October 29, 2015

I'm Sure Michael's is Great, Too

So, here I sit, 11:45 on Thursday night, trying to come up with funny or insightful or clever or interesting blog ideas, and I'm drawing a blank.

All I can think about is Hobby Lobby.

I had an appointment up in Pueblo today, and afterwards, I did a little shopping. I went into Target and bought a cat-laser and some Halloween candy for Trick-or-Treaters. I ventured into the mall and bought Bring Me The Horizon socks and Supernatural sleep-pants. I spent a little time in Barnes and Noble, admiring all the books and soaking in the atmosphere.

But the majority of my time, money and enjoyment was spent in Hobby Lobby. I gotta say, I am sincerely glad we don't have a Hobby Lobby in Raton, because I would be penniless, my house filled to the rafters with piles of different craft supplies. Heaps of paintbrushes and egg-shaped Styrofoam. A tower of acrylic paints. A fort of unpainted, empty wooden boxes. A little forest of yarn. A river of hot glue gun sticks. A cardboard box full of clearance items that I didn't know what to do with, but couldn't pass up. Rock-like formations of pads of paper. Drawers full of Sharpie markers. Pens, pens, pens! Seven different pairs of scissors, one for everyday of the week. Sewing kits, even though I couldn't sew anything to save my life. A kitchen full of empty glass bottles with corks and a closet full of pretty fabric that I could never do anything with.

It is simply the most wondrous and delightful store imaginable! Every time I go in, I toddle around, mouth agape, in complete and utter awe of my surroundings. It is SO dangerous, because it tempts you with cool little creative ideas and tricks you into thinking, "Wood carving? How charming! I could be great at that!" even though you know you are no wood carver, and you accidentally cut yourself with butter knives, let alone deadly little razors in irregular shapes.

Or, "Oh! Calligraphy! Just because my handwriting is considered by most as "chicken scratches", doesn't mean I couldn't excel at the craft!"

And, "I should just quit my job! Open a little road-side stand of crappy, homemade crafts and live off people's pity money! Job security is for suckers!"

Dangerous, dangerous, dangerous.

They have shelves after shelves crafts and holiday-related decorations, with prices that really sneak up on you. You don't realize the cost until you're getting ready to check out and have to start thinking critically, "Do I really need a Christmas wreath that's six feet in diameter? Or these awesome, yet impractical sets of doll-house furniture? Who's going to use them, my Borrowers?"

It's a slippery slope. But! It's pretty awesome, and brings out the creativity in just about everyone. And though I pick on prices, mostly they're pretty reasonable. Years and years ago, I got a full-sized, moving, Halloween mummy for $30.00. THIRTY DOLLARS, I SAY! I still have her! She lives on my front porch. If you come Trick-or-Treating, you'll see her!

It's nuts.

Before I sign off, let me just say, if you are related to me, you might just get a homemade craft for Christmas!


1 comment:

  1. This was laugh out loud funny, Sarah! Nicely done, especially since it rose out of nothingness, that blank mind feared by writers everywhere! Leia
