Thursday, November 19, 2015

I'm Fancy Because I Use Latin

Hi, hi, blog friends! This will be a quick one because my internet connection is being annoying and temperamental and keeps shutting itself down... it's a race against the clock!

I am so happy to report that it is FINALLY acting like winter here in Raton! Tonight my dad and I went over to Trinidad to watch the new James Bond movie, Spectre, and we drove past mountains of snow on the pass, thanks to our surprise snowstorm on Tuesday. When we got to the theater, I slipped out of the warm car and went inside to buy tickets, my fresh-from-the-box winter boots crunching across icy snow. I hugged my ACE hoodie close and half-ran across the parking lot, my breath fogging up the air. Once we got into the tiny, back theater, we were both happy we had jackets because it was COLD! By the end of the movie, the tip of my nose was frozen and I was questioning my earlier decision of getting something cold to drink.

We both enjoyed the movie very much and discussed it all the way back to Raton, where the outside temperature had plummeted. In town there are heaps of snow everywhere- dirty stacks in the middle of the roads, piles shoved onto salted sidewalks, and clumps of ice clinging to cars.

I love it all!! It's my favorite time of year. And with it comes the Holidays!

It seems as soon as stores get the Halloween stuff packed away, out comes the Christmas! And ACE is no exception, really. We recently brought in our Christmas racks, huge metal shelves that have been spray painted red and green for festivity's sake. Every year when we haul them in, we have to clean them up a little after they've been roughing it in a back shed for ten months or so. We scrub them down and touch up the paint if needed, then we put wrapping paper across the shelves, which looks a lot better then the bare, splintery wood slats. Then comes the merchandise! Box after box of lights and luminarias and window clings and wreaths and garlands and "NOEL" signs and lit-up deer and candy cane shaped pathway lights and Amaryllis kits and bows and Santa-Clauses and replacement bulbs and

Sunnuvabitch, my internet just cut out.

Aaaaaaaand we're back! Sorry, folks. Tempus fugit!

Last week before we got the huge snowstorm, the shop guys at ACE started working on lights for the building. It's always a spectacle! Unfortunately, a few lights here and there is all we can do anymore because people like to steal anything that's not chained to the building. But the guys always do a really nice job with the lights... long stands of white along the roof of the building, set with timers that turn on just as the day is closing, as the soft afternoon light fades into darkness.

And the rest of the town is doing the same! The city has begun putting up the holiday decorations and the other stores are filled to the brim with decorations. My dad LOVES Christmas time and is already planning his outdoor lighting. This will be my first Christmas in this house and I'm excited. I have made a vow, however, that I WILL take down my Christmas tree this year! I admit, a year or two ago, I put up my tree and left it up all year. After a while, it was just another piece of furniture! Like my mummy!

Anyway, guys, I couldn't be happier that it's winter time. I washed my nice winter coat today and I've been wearing a new beanie I got a few weeks ago... Supernatural! I'm hooked.

I promise next Thursday to write a Thanksgiving blog! I'm sorry this blog wasn't more interesting, but every now and then it's kind of nice to just sit and reflect about how good things are.

And I'm signing off before my internet has another conniption!

Stay warm out there!


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