Friday, November 13, 2015

(Not So) Secret Talents!

Hi, ho, there! Another blog being written hastily to meet my self-set deadline.

There are some things in my life that I talk about... All. The. Time. Pshhhhhhh! Look who I'm telling! If you are a frequent reader, you know! I'm obsessed with my dog, I like to write, I talk about my job, my family, my dog, I love taking pictures and stupid memes, I love my dog... you know!

So today (tonight) I thought I'd do a quick list of gifts and skills of mine that I don't talk about all the time. Granted, there are a lot of blogs on this page and I know I've mentioned some before.. but still. Changing it up a little!

Forgive me if this is weird.. I'm kind of loopy tonight!


So years and years ago, I discovered this little-known book series... THE LORD OF THE RINGS!! I, like the rest of the world, fell in love. The books are absolutely incredible, the films are great, and for nerdy fans like me, there is a whole WORLD of knowledge out there to immerse yourself in... and that's just what I did. I bought a bunch of books about the histories of Middle Earth and discovered all the different languages that Tolkien created. So I bought an English-to-Elvish dictionary!(Sindarin and Quenya, not to mention a bunch of other dialects like Dwarvish and some Uruk-Hai.) To this day, it remains the most dog-eared book I own. And I learned! Back about 10 years ago, I was basically fluent in Elvish! Speaking and writing. Unfortunately, I don't remember a whole lot of it, but I still love it to death. Little bits of it stay with me! When I'm nervous, there's an Elvish poem that I recite over and over. It calms me.

You mark my words, someday I will have a tattoo in Elvish!


I'll be honest, for a while I was a bit of a music snob, but now I love ALL KINDS of music, regardless of the genre. If it's good music, it's good music!

Over the years, I have learned to play (at least a little): piano/keyboard, clarinet, guitar, bass guitar. I like to sing, I'm just terrible at it. Actually, I love to sing when I'm with my dad because neither of us are really good, but we sing at the top of our lungs and just don't care! You should hear us do "The Ballad of Curtis Loew" or "The Sky is Crying" or any AC/DC, ZZ Top, or Led Zeppelin! Lately he's been teaching me a lot of  Eagles stuff and he loves to quiz me on Van Halen songs- Sammy Hagar or David Lee Roth?

Flexible hands

My hands have always been very flexible.. I swear they don't hurt at all! I know it's inaccurate, but the term I grew up hearing was "double jointed."Over the years I've learned ways to twist and turn them that make some people... uncomfortable! Haha! For example:

My incredible, bendable pointer finger! I can make it go pretty much all the way to the back of my hand.

My thumb, which can go straight down to my wrist:

Or back around to the outside of my arm:

And finally, a move that everyone learns in 6th grade to freak out your family:

And, just for you! I made a really, REALLY dorky video of it all! Enjoy :)

My "put out the match" trick!

There is absolutely nothing to this trick, you just have to MAKE yourself do it the first time. It's kind hard because it's counter-intuitive. Your body's like "Nope! Bad idea..." Enjoy this high quality video from about 8 years ago!


Admittedly, this is an odd one! But it's accurate. I am, to my core, GUILTY. Which is ironic, because I'm one of the most honest, cautious, boring, law-abiding citizens you can find! One of the things I say most often is, "I'm sorry!" even if it's not my fault at all. Somehow, I still feel responsible! I just inherently feel this overwhelming sense of guilt. It's to the point that it sometimes annoys my loved ones! They say, "STOP SAYING YOU'RE SORRY!"
To which I squeak, "Sorr--- I mean! Okay..."

Sometimes I like to think what I and other people were in past lives. It's fun! For example, I'm convinced that at one time or another my dad was a famous rock/blues musician. As for me, I'm positive I was some sort of master-criminal. It's the only thing that I can think of that would explain why, in a different life entirely, I still feel bad! I just hope I was an excellent criminal and had a lot of fun, because I am STILL PAYING FOR IT!

Oh, I just realized that today is Friday the 13th! Which is pretty insignificant, except I MISSED  MY DEADLINE ANYWAY!!

Have a good one! :)


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