Today is Thursday, the most magical day of the week! Since it is my day off, I used today to clean a little. Also, as we are all aware, it is Wordsday Thursday... and after coming up with not one single good blog idea, I figured I'd invite you into my home! I mean, we're all friends, right?
So I've compiled an "Awards" list of the crap lying around my house... there's plenty of it!
Category: "Interesting" Art Work
2nd Runner Up: I actually purchased this huge dinosaur sticker at Target! For a while I was at a complete loss where to put it. In the end, he fit beautifully on the side of my refrigerator. Sometimes when I'm sitting on my couch in the living room, I catch a glimpse of him and imagine him darting around my little kitchen, or in my backyard where I haven't used the string trimmer yet- leaving a trail through the tall grass like the velociraptors do in Jurassic Park 2.
1st Runner Up: So! Obviously the two abstract pieces are my original work (stunning, I know) but the portrait of the man behind them actually came from my Grandmother's house. Before she moved, we as a family went through her house and basement and she had a ton of old, amazing, beautiful belongings. I really, really wanted this portrait though, and I was allowed to keep it. I like it because he is, allegedly, a distant relative, and I think he looks like an elf.
Winner: True, my house is full of interesting art and decorations, but those in the photo below are among my favorites! I've taken to collecting strange clocks of late, and of course the piece on the right is my trademark swirly artwork. But I am most proud of the piece on the left- "The Death of Marat"! When I was a senior in high school, in my art class we did a "Master Study" where we attempted to recreate classics from the past. I chose this stunning painting by Jacque-Louis David. If you look up the original version you will see my copy is nowhere near perfect, but I am still very fond of it.
Category: Most Dog-Eared Book
The Languages of Tolkien's Middle Earth by Ruth S. Noel. This was my BIBLE when I first got into Lord of the Rings and, more specifically, the Elvish language (Sindarin and Quenya!) I still am very fond of it. It has a useful English-to-Elvish dictionary, plus an invaluable dictionary in the back which translates Tolkien languages of all sorts- Elvish, yes, but also some Rohan dialect, Orkish, Dwarvish, Hobbit terms, and a little Black Speech from Mordor.
Elvish will always be my favorite fictional language, but lately I've also been looking into Dothraki, from Game of Thrones. The words always sound sort of angry and harsh! Sometimes people in the store will become annoyed and start muttering angrily in English or Spanish and I often have the urge to mutter "Yer shekh ma shieraki anni!" which sounds really pissed off, but actually means "You are my sun and stars" in Dothraki. It's just fun to say!
Category: Unusual Furniture
Runner Up: DOG STAIRS!! A few weeks ago, my sister, Dad, and I went up to Pueblo and went into a Bed, Bath and Beyond, and I found these: steps (or a ramp, if you turn them over) for your small or old pets who have trouble getting onto beds or into cars. You may recall, I have an old, stiff, grumpy-at-times dog who sleeps with me, and she cannot hop into bed herself. She always gets her front feet on the bed and I have to lift her behind up. Finding these was fate! The problem? She doesn't want to use them! Stubborn old dog. I am working with her though! And as a side note, but cats adore them! Before, they didn't much care about sleeping on my bed, even though they could easily jump. But now they're on my bed all the time because they get to use the stairs. Cat logic!
Winner: I've had my mummy for YEARS now, probably at least 10, and I love her. Over the years, she has worn various clothes and jewelry, and has been ALL OVER Raton. Right now she resides on my front porch and she has scared off people who wanted to steal an empty cardboard box on my front stairs. True story!
Category: Weirdest Thing on my DVR
Runner up: Episodes of "Kim of Queens." Yeah, that's right KIM of Queens, not KING. It might very well be discontinued, but for a while they had weekly episodes. It's about a beauty-pageant coach and the girls she's training. Odd, because I am certainly not a beauty-pageant kinda girl. In fact, I mostly find the idea of doing this to small girls strange and slightly horrific. I absolutely do love the movie "Little Miss Sunshine", though. Anyway, I didn't expect to like this show, but the people it follows are down-to-earth, charming, southern people with phrases like "She's got more drama than an squirrel has nuts", and you know what? I like it.
Winner: The Magic Bullet Infomercial! I think I may be the only person on earth who does, but I LOVE INFOMERCIALS!! I like to watch them! They're interesting and oddly calming. And the Magic Bullet Infomercial is my absolute favorite. It takes place in the kitchen of a trendy, charming couple who had thrown a total bender the night before- all their guests stayed over. In their kitchen, they are fixing quick, easy, and sometimes-nutritious meals for their hungover guests! They make quesadillas, smoothies, nachos, omelettes, fettuccine and pesto sauces for pasta, mixed (virgin) drinks, sorbets, mousses, you name it! They throw in a bit of humor and the result is charming. I don't watch it often, but I can't bring myself to delete it.
Category: Weirdest Things Just Lying Around
2nd Runner Up: I don't know if you are aware, but there is a secret battle going on in our country: The Mountain Dew BATTLE! I actually didn't know until my cousin told me, but the Mountain Dew people are making us decide if we want to keep Mountain Dew Pitch Black or Mountain Dew Baja Blast.. they will only continue one! A "Dewcision." Well, I am a Pitch Black girl, and just in case, I've been stock-piling them.
1st Runner Up: Just some Crayons, a bowl of Orcas and Dolphins, some dinosaurs, a rolled up Declaration of Independence... what do you have on your counter tops?
Winner: A bunch of cheap, stupid knickknacks from shows I love, series I adore, and weirddddddd stuff from my family, like a petrified gator head and snake skeleton that my mom sent me from West Virginia. I seriously treasure it all!
Oh, and one more category: the Handsomest Thing I Saw Around the House Today:
Happy Wordsday Thursday guys!