Thursday, June 30, 2016

Are YOU a Patriot or a Vampire?

In just a few minutes, it will officially be July. I am quite pleased because this year, Independence Day is on a Monday, which means I get TWO WHOLE DAYS OFF in a row! This year will be different, though. This will be the first 4th of July in my memory that will not be celebrated by a big, family and friends party.

In all my previous years, we prepared for the day by going up the Point (the piece of land we always use for the picnics) and getting ready a few days before. We would sweep away the layers of pine needles that covered the wooden tables and plastic chairs. We would hang plastic tarps to protect guests from sunshine and monsoons alike. We would put some plastic trash cans around that I would label "TRASH" or "CANS." We would get the grill ready and plan what to bring and what to cook. We would write directions and draw maps for newcomers and look forward to seeing the picnic regulars. We would always have a water-source on hand- for fire-prevention of course, but also for massive water-fights. My cousins would always bring their armory of plastic water guns, and would fill dozens and dozens of water balloons. For some of my earlier years, we would hang a volleyball net up between a few trees- before the encroaching cactus and resulting spines made the volleyballs flat and too painful to play with.

Most of the years were fun, and very much alike: my dad would man the BBQ, surrounded by a bunch of men laughing boisterously with beers in their hands. My grandma would flutter around excitedly all day, never sitting down and literally shoving food at people. My cousins would hide their coolers of water-weapons in various shrubs of oak brush, and would hide behind trees, waiting for targets to pass by; there was always a rule in place that "People carrying food are off limits." For the past several years, I repeatedly wore my "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" t-shirt that said "Are you a patriot or a vampire?" because that was literally my most "patriotic" shirt.

A few different years stand out to me, though- once, my dad was driving the gator around the hill, packed full with my sister and her friends, and my sister fell out! Her friends had to shout over the roar of the gator: "Stop! Stop! Emmy fell out!" She was okay, just a little scraped and bruised. I remember the first year after my Grandpa died- it was strange being there without him. He was such a true patriot, Independence Day always seemed like his holiday. But we still had a good 4th, and some of the picnic regulars brought a beautiful, hand-painted bench in his honor.  I remember the year I took my baby puppy Otis- she never left my side, sleeping in the shade of a picnic table, being slipped scraps of meat, wearing her too-big collar.

So yes, this year will be very different! I will probably get to sleep very late and goof off a good part of the day. But I will still hang out with my family, eat good food and watch awesome fireworks, so part of our tradition lives on.

Happy 4th of July guys! Have a great one.


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