Thursday, August 18, 2016

Quite a Day

My faithful, die-hard fans (both of you!) know by now that Thursdays are my off! I always make big plans to do productive, sensible things- and true to form, I hardly ever keep my plans, at least not to the extent I intended. But! Today I planned to do all my laundry, and that is PRECISELY what I did. Unfortunately, my own dryer is on the fritz... has been for months now, so I haul my dirty clothes to the cheapest laundromat in town- Dad's house!

I could never make such a trip by myself- or so Otis tells me- so I took her with me. We made a pit stop at McDonalds, which meant 5 minutes in the lunchtime traffic and the 10 minutes to my Dad's house spent trying to keep Otis from drooling on the bag of food. 

I brought myself a special task to do today while my loads of laundry were being washed and dried. For well over a year now, I've been working on a writing project. I am hopeful that this will eventually become my first novel! I have given myself a deadline of sorts... necessary if I want to ever get something definite accomplished and not just have some "project" I work on intermittently for the rest of my life. I have given myself until this coming Christmas to develop a workable, completed BOOK! I'm not being too harsh on myself (yet), and I will consider this deadline met even if I still think I can make it better or change some details or move some commas around. ANYWAY, I have a lot written already, but there is a problem: it is written literally. In journals and notebooks and scraps of paper. And in order to make it into book form and print it, I must now enter all of these handwritten pages into my computer... a somewhat daunting prospect! But that's what I did for a few hours this afternoon. It's actually quite rewarding, because I'm now revisiting chapters I wrote months and months ago, and now I can compare them to what I've written more recently- I can see if things still go together, and remind myself of details I'd forgotten, but now want to feature.

It scares me, but some of the stuff I've written is... not too shabby, if I might say so myself.

But, as well as that went, tragedy struck this afternoon! I was outside watering and I stepped on a loose rock and lost my balance. My foot skidded out from under me and with a sickening crack--- MY CROC STRAP BROKE! You know, that plastic bit that goes behind your heel to keep the shoe from sliding off your foot? Death! I LOVE my Crocs, but few share my enthusiasm. In fact! My sister and my dad have been plotting to get rid of them for weeks now, and today's catastrophe just added fuel to their fire, what with summer ending and whatnot.  This episode is not without precedent, I must admit. A year or two, I wore a pair of Crocs so long that I ACTUALLY wore out the sole of the shoe. Like, the bottom of my foot was touching the ground through the shoe. Sigh. I guess it's time to get out my Converse and my boots.

For dinner tonight, I met my sister and my Grandma at KBOBs. It was busy, which is nice to see... not ALL of Raton is dying. It was a good meal, although as we were finishing our dinners, I had a deep thought: You know how they say the actual definition of insanity is "to try the same thing over and over and expect a different result"? Well, I was testing that theory while my Grandma was eating her peach cobbler. I had stabbed a slice of lemon with my fork and repeatedly licked it over and over, grimacing and shuddering, and then licking it again. WTF? I may be a decent writer, but I don't think I'm always the brightest crayon in the box.

Not much of a blog today guys, but I GOTTA keep writing. It's good for me!

Happy Thursday guys.


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