Friday, July 22, 2016

Excuse the Pictures...

Today... I CLEANED!! I cleaned, cleaned, cleaned, and cleaned. Then I cleaned some more. Before I gave it up for the day, I cleaned a tiny bit more.

What did I do? Well!

Before beginning, I put in my "Les Miserables" DVD for background listening. (Ah! Jean Valjean!) Then! I started in my bathroom, scrubbing the toilet and the shower and the sink, removing all bits and traces of hair dye possible. (It gets everywhere!) And speaking of hair dye, I gathered all the different bottles of dark and aqua blues and hot pinks and deep reds and rich greens and royal purples and put them in my special hair dye basket, which I then put away in a cabinet. I went through my collection of hair products and makeup and tossed out a bunch I never use. I stuffed away some spare hair ties and cotton balls and earrings in the cabinet behind my bathroom mirror. I grabbed my broom and swept up the floor carefully.... lots of dog hair! Otis likes to sleep on my bath mat sometimes. What can I say? She's a weird dog.

Next, I tackled the kitchen! I scoured the dirty dishes in my sink, and jammed them into their rightful places in my cabinets. I brushed all the crumbs and wiped the grease off my oven top, and put all my medicine bottles in the plastic tub I use as their home. I sanitized my cats' litter boxes and threw out a pile of trash. (Are those new bear-proof dumpsters tricky or what??) I dragged my kitchen table out of the nook it lives in and cleaned the whole space out, much to the displeasure of my cats, who were sitting on my window sills, stalking pigeons. I tidied up all the counter tops, returning cereal boxes and bottles of syrup to their rightful places among the shelves. Lastly, I retrieved my broom and swept up the entire kitchen! Crumbs and stray cat litter and random dog crunchers and MORE DOG HAIR.

After that, I tackled my living room! It was already pretty clean, but (to the further discontent of my cats) I ran my vacuum extensively. When I emptied the machine, I was greeted with, you guessed it! MORE DOG HAIR! And some bits of cardboard from my cat's mangled scratching post. I watered all my houseplants using empty vodka bottles that I can't bear to throw away.

(Okay! On a totally random tangent, a while back I found a picture of Alexi Laiho, the lead singer and guitarist of Children of Bodom and whom some people have said I resemble, holding a bottle of vodka that I OWN! I was so excited, I had to send the following pictures to my sister:

Aaaaaaand moving on!)

Finally, I took care of some odds and ends, like storing stray belongings in the basement and placing every clean bit of laundry I have in it's designated area.

And over the past few days, my sister has been an absolute trooper, helping my trim and control my overgrown back yard. It looks incredible!

...and WHY did I clean so extensively? you ask. Well...

MY MAMA'S COMING TO VISIT!! Yeah, that's right! My mom, step-dad Leo, and their Border Collies are driving across country to see us all on this side of the Mississippi. They are in Tulsa as we speak! And I. Cannot. Wait! My sister and I haven't seen our mom since New Years and we miss her like crazy! Emmy and I are even taking time off work. And now our houses are nice and clean for our guests! I gotta say, my place looks so spiffy, I really gotta keep this cleanliness up! I love it.

I'm sure next blog, I'll have lots to tell you about the visit!



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