Thursday, July 9, 2015

I Can Focus Much Better Now, Thank You

I had an appointment with the eye doctor today! Is it just me, or are eye appointments MUCH less stressful than dental visits? I don't know what it is, exactly. They're funner and more interesting and I am much less afraid of them.

I go to Dr. Hagen in Trinidad and since today was my day off from work, I decided to make an outing of it! I rolled out of bed at the crack of noon and dug through the clean-laundry basket on my bedroom floor. After pulling on a T-shirt and some jeans, I rousted Otis from bed and made her go outside while I finished getting ready. I yanked a brush through the snarls in my long, tangled blue-green hair and applied a fresh coat of green-apple flavored Chapstick. By then, Otis was crying to be let in, so I opened the door and stepped aside. Click-clack, click-clack, went her nails on the hard-wood floor. I ran a hand along her back, and her fur was warm from the sun. After giving her a milk-bone, I poured some fresh Friskies "Indoor Delights" for a hungry, yowling Sheldon and slipped on some sandals. I grabbed my bag from beside the door and stepped out into the bright sunshine. To the north I saw some dark storm clouds gathering, and after cranking my car's air conditioning and grabbing a bite of lunch, I drove towards them. 

Heavy rains have recently caused some trouble on the pass, washing down huge rocks onto the roadway. By now most of them have been cleared away, but you can still see evidence here and there- little piles of gravel and washed out sections, heavy tire tracks in the mud. 

Once I got to Trinidad, I immediately headed to Walmart! It was busy, and the parking lot was full of cars and people. I wondered what the traveling families stopped at Walmart thought about the Cannabis shop right next door. Inside I leisurely made my way around, stopping to gape at the Back-to-School section, already up and ready. Folders and pencils and backpacks, oh my! I've been out of high-school for 5 years now, but the Back to School section still sends a shiver of dread down my spine.

I stocked up on hair dye and my favorite pens and I was in the magazine section when a clap of thunder shook the building. For a moment, the lights flickered ominously and every shopper in the vicinity stopped what they were doing and involuntarily gazed upward. It only lasted for a few seconds but it had a panic-effect on a lot of the customers. It seemed just about everybody felt the need to get out of there before the lootings began, or something. Since I was all done with my shopping, I too headed for the checkout lanes. Once back in my car, I realized I had a very long time until my eye-appointment, so I found my copy of "Game of Thrones" that I keep in my bag and read for several minutes.

I had a good visit at the Optometrist! For "Throwback Thursday", here is a blog I wrote almost two years ago, about my last eye checkup. It was very similar!

I must say, having your eyes dilated is one of the weirdest sensations! Your eyes get all gummy and strange from the eyedrops and you struggle to make your eyes focus, and the sun literally hurts! I drove at right around 55 mph all the way back, squinting and blinking and breaking for, usually, no reason at all!

I picked out a new pair of eyeglasses, which I'm excited about! I just hope I chose well, as I could barely see them through my dilated pupils. 

And NOW! Because you're a trooper and read this whole blog, a picture of my dilated eyes!

You're so welcome.


Happy Wordsday Thursday!


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