Thursday, July 2, 2015

Red, White, and Blue!

In the spirit of Independence day coming up on Saturday, I thought for today's Wordsday Thursday I'd make a quick list of SOME of my favorite things that are... RED, WHITE, and BLUE! And pics of my hair in the same colors ;)


  • Roses from the greenhouse
  • My old, worn ACE aprons with cool pins and crap in the pockets
  • Red licorice at baseball games
  • My worn-to-death "Bazinga" hoodie that my cats love to sleep on
  • The color of Christmastime- tissue paper and candy canes and bright lights
  • That pink tint to your cheeks after spending a fun day outside, but not quite sunburned (Nosferatudermis!)


  • Snow
  • A blank piece of paper, right before I write on it
  • The glow of the moon
  • Otis' paws
  • Petunias flourishing in the heat of summer
  • Loved, used, cracked old lawn chairs
  • That white-hot feel of the pavement right before you sink your feet in cold water


  • That deep color of the sky on beautiful days 
  • Ocean Water from Sonic
  • Comfortable jeans
  • Otis' favorite toy, Chester the blue Lobster
  • My dad's cats, Bob and Betty, who are "Russian Blues"
  • The color of your tongue after eating bright blue Popsicles or cotton candy
  • Swimming pools
  • Blue pens

They all come together to make something awesome! Like America!

I hope you have an AWESOME Independence Day! Light a firework for me :)


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