Wednesday, September 30, 2015


In just a matter of minutes it will be... OCTOBER! I'm super happy about that. JURY DUTY is over and done with, and I love this time of year. It's getting to be chillier and the holidays are coming. Halloween stuff is all over!

Lies are a very complicated business. What is truth to one person can be a lie to another. Over time, truth can become lie, and vice versa. For today's blog, I thought I'd write down some things that, at one point or another, I believed to be truth, but turned out to be false. In my case, anyway! As usual, some are stupid, and some are serious. Just like lies!

"It's just a little train-ride!"

My MOTHER told me this whopper before I rode my first roller-coaster. We were at a Six Flags a verrrrry long time ago, and I was staring up at the wooden, rickety contraption with absolute dread.
"Aww, come on!" she urged. My sister was already waiting excitedly in line. Overhead, one of the cars careened down the track, making frightening noises.
"See?" she said. "It's just a little train ride! Down the tracks, you see? It'll be fun!"
Famous. Last. Words.
Although, I DO like them now...

"Now you're going to turn into a cactus!"

An "I beg your pardon?" line, I know.
Years and years and years ago, I was on a road trip with my family and we stopped at a gas station for snacks. Well, my sister got a little box of TicTacs. They were bright green, spearmint! Unlike the crazy multi-flavor ones they have now. Anyway, my sister gave me one.
Now, I've always been a wimp when it comes to strong flavors, and when I ate the TicTac, it bit into my tongue with it's intense flavor.
Ever the convincing actress, my sister looked at me, aghast.
"You actually ate it?" she asked. "Oh no! Now you're going to turn into a cactus!"
In panic-mode, I did not stop to consider the facts. My mind skipped over the fact that my sister had eaten several, as had the rest of the world, and as far as I know, Willy Wonka is still working on a candy that can change your appearance. My mind went right to the bright green, cactus-ish color, and the spike-like sensation on my tongue. PANIC. PANIC. PANIC. Nice going, Sarah!
To this day, I'm not sure how she came up with "cactus", and last time I asked her, she denied remembering anything about it. Hmmmmm.

"Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me."

A very common saying, and a very incorrect one. Words can be some of the worst weapons imaginable. You could be wearing a suit of armor, a helmet and a bulletproof vest and be invincible to knives and guns and swords and arrows and axes (sorry, been watching LOTR!) but words can still penetrate that armor. Words worm their way into your mind and plant themselves, like seeds. If the seeds take, negative thoughts can grow in your mind. Very dangerous, and very hard to fight.

"Eat this. You'll like it!"

As a general rule of thumb, when someone tells you this, DO NOT BELIEVE THEM. Either someone is having fun at your expense, or it's something for your own good, which may be healthy, but probably not tasty.
The last blog I wrote was about food and I failed to include this cautionary tale, so I will tell it now:
Once, I was sitting at the dinner table with my family. We had just eaten dinner and my parents produced a few kiwis. As "dessert." Well, looking at them, I got a bad feeling. From the outside, they looked like.. horse's apples. Then, on the inside they were a scary color with lots of seeds. I was given no option but to try them. What happened next is still a bit of a blur, but basically, I nibbled some kiwi, desperately chugged some milk to get it down, and my digestive tract would have none of it. So, the kiwi came out my nose, into my milk. My instincts tried to warn me, but alas!

"Atheists are just wrong, wrong, wrong!"

I am, I believe, one of the least-confrontational people alive. But even if I wasn't, I think I would still try and avoid bringing up my atheism very often. Religion is just a sticky subject! It pisses people off. I do find it odd that oftentimes people consider it very rude and outgoing when someone says, "I don't believe in God and here's why..." but have no problem with passing out Bible verses and pamphlets and telling people they need to find God or burn in hell.
I will tell you that growing up, I was raised spending some time in Raton's First Presbyterian Church. I was part of the Bell Choir (Middle C and D!), and I went to Sunday School sometimes, and Church services. Vacation Bible School! Several times at church I was the acolyte, and once, the lay-leader! Sometimes on St. Andrew's Day my grandmother would hire a few bagpipers and they would play ear-splittingly loud on church corner for EVERYONE to hear. That was pretty freakin' awesome! When I was very young, while lying in bed at night I'd always try to say my prayers. I think my OCD was present even then because my prayers would go: "Dear God, please bless..." and I would go on to list just about everyone in my life. First immediate family, then grandparents. Pets! Cousins, aunts, uncles. Second cousins. Friends. Teachers. Kids I sat next to in school. Usually I'd fall asleep before I said, "Amen!"
But through the years I changed drastically and grew a lot and painstakingly became the person I am today. It's been quite a journey and it's hard to say just how I changed, and when. But the way people feel certain there is a god, I just feel there isn't one. I'm certainly not so arrogant as to say there's no way I could be wrong, it's just how I feel.
To the people who say all atheists are immoral, I beg to differ! I'm not plagued by fear that if I do something wrong, I'll go to hell. I'm just a decent person doing what decent people do!

"WARNING: Your computer has just been  infected with a Trojan virus. Click HERE to turn on your virus protection!"

Ughhhhhhhhhh, if only I could go back in time! I could have spared myself so much grief and anguish! This has happened, I must admit, more that once. They're just so damn convincing! I see the message, get all worried and upset, and click the button. Surprise! The button WAS the virus. Congratulations, Sarah. You've wrecked your computer again!

"Don't worry, you'll hit your growth spurt soon!"

To be fair, I used to be very tall for my age. You know, back in like 3rd grade. Then I stopped growing and everybody else started growing. Here I am, age 23. Right about 5'4.
Back in Midschool people would be like "You're bound to grow soon right?"



Thursday, September 17, 2015

My Culinary Universe

Big props go to my sister, Elizabeth Record, because I could not think of a single thing to blog about and she brainstormed for me!

I am a creature of habit. That is the understatement of the century! I like having routines. I like normalcy! If someone were to accuse me of being stuck in a rut, I would agree with them wholeheartedly, except to giggle and say, "You have no idea..."

This is especially evident in my culinary habits. I am very, very picky, and when I find something I like, I STICK TO IT! Why would you risk having something gross when you already have something you love?

If I had to pick, say, five foods/drinks to live on for the rest of my life (not including water) they would be:

  1. Beef Ramen Noodle Soup
  2. Dr. Pepper
  3. Orange Creme yogurt (see how health-conscious I am?)
  4. Milk chocolate
  5. Sour cream and onion chips
I would not be even remotely healthy, but I would be very satisfied! Although, I do have an issue with Gastronomic Redundancy and that would be unpleasant.

Still don't know the Stuck-in-a-Rutness I am speaking of? The following is a list of what I have at certain restaurants, just as an example. Basically if I eat somewhere more than once, I know exactly what I will be having way ahead of time. Saves a lot of time reading menus!

  • El Matador: Chicken Strip dinner, Dr. Pepper, water, and some chips (no salsa, thanks, too spicy for this wimp)
  • Taco Bell: T8 with soft-shell tacos, Dr. Pepper, Cinnamon Twists
  • Chef Lius: Small order of Wonton Soup, two eggrolls and a Shirley Temple
  • Subway: 6 inch, white bread, turkey. Yep, that's all. You can roll up the sandwich now!

As I said, I am extremely picky, and it would take wayyyyyyyy too long to make a list of everything I refuse to consume, but I will do a small one of the stranger ones:
  • Whipped cream. Just....gross, man
  • Pie. Of any kind. Don't like working with pi either, for that matter
  • Green or red chile. I'm an embarrassment to the state of New Mexico!
  • Strawberries. It's a consistency thing. Those stupid little seeds that make you want to gag and choke
  • Cherries. Again, consistency. I won't even eat the ones that come in my Shirley Temples. One upon a time at a sleepover, I got dared to eat a cherry with ranch dressing on it. Scarred me for life.
  • Pickles! This one isn't so strange... it seems that with pickles, either you love them or you hate them. I'm definitely a hater. When we go to movies my sister likes to eat them sitting next to me
  • Ketchup. Don't like tomatoes, don't like mashed tomatoes, not even on fries. No thank you!
  • Gravy. I think it would be quicker to say, I am not a condiment person. With the exception of a little butter or salt, nothing for me! I don't like eating things that are all mixed up, like when people take potatoes and peas and gravy and smush them all into one gigantic stack. I'd rather eat each ingredient separately.
  • Beer. Sorry, just not my thing. It's just nasty. I'm a vodka girl!
  • Nuts. Aside from in a select few candies and peanut butter, just keep them away from me, yeah? Why ruin perfectly good ice cream with nuts?
So there you have it! Written proof that I am an unusual, unhealthy eater. That actually sums me up pretty well ;)

(the soup connoisseur) 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

O(de to)TIS

Happy Thursday to all of you out in Blog-Land! Actually, it is Wednesday night and I am (gasp!) ahead of schedule, which is a rarity. A scarcity. An anomaly! Usually it's Thursday night at 11:15 and I'm racking my brain for blog ideas.

Speaking thusly, for tonight's blog, I have chosen a subject you are (almost certainly, if you know me at all) familiar with: my dog, Otis. (Click here to see a ridiculous amount of photos of her.) I talk about her often, reference her constantly, and love her like crazy. You already know a lot about her, but tonight I want to try and explain my connection with her more deeply. To try and get you to understand just why and how she is so unbelievably important to me. A lot of it you'll already know, but please bear with me!

I met her by chance, one afternoon after a hellish day at school. I had recently attempted suicide and the whole school knew. I had just gotten back home after spending a week in a mental hospital/rehab place in Pueblo for troubled teens. I was miserable, and fighting my own brain and body, who kept telling me it would be better to die. But when my mom took me to meet this tiny puppy, my whole universe shifted! She gave me a reason to live, and taught me it was okay to love myself, too.

But that's not the end of the story! When my parents divorced, she went where I went- staying weekdays at my mom's, spending weekends at my dad's. She took me for walks anytime I needed them! And she turned into my shadow. Where I went, she went! Even something like moving from one room to another- she just follows! It's something that continues to this day. For example, as I write this, she is sleeping on my feet. She sleeps next to me in bed at night. She likes to follow me into the bathroom. Don't get me started on car rides!

But that's not the end, either. In my sophomore year of high school, the bipolarish-side of my Schizoaffective Disorder went crazy and my mania sky-rocketed, out of control. There was a period of a few months where I just didn't sleep. I couldn't. They put me on anti-psychotics and sedatives and sleeping meds, but my mind wouldn't slow down. I had to drop out of the rest of that year of school because I started to freak out. In classrooms, my mania would make my brain go crazy and my heart pound. When people did something like scrape a chair back on the hard floor, it was all I could do not to scream. I ended up in the bathroom a lot, locked in a stall, rocking back and forth, clutching my head, telling it to "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP." It was then I started getting crazy paranoia, too. Since I couldn't be in school, I stayed at home, which helped the mania because I could run and shout and do anything I needed to. But the paranoia took hold of my brain. Alone in the house, I was certain people were behind me, creeping up. Looking at me in windows. And short of sitting in a corner all day long, I couldn't keep an eye on everything. So I let Otis do that. She stayed by me day and night, and I knew she would never let anything get me. She would bark if a stranger was creeping up on me. It was a huge load off my mind. There were days I was afraid to take a shower because I didn't want to be alone and vulnerable in the bathroom when whatever it was came to get me. So Otis lay on the floor of the bathroom while I took a shower. She was my constant protector, and is til this day.

I think what makes my bond with her so strong is that she can do for me what nothing and no one else can: she can protect me from what it inside my head. I mean, I could get a home-security system and armed guards, but they couldn't do for me what she can. And on top of that, her personality helps make her who she is. As a tiny infant, that tenacious dog would NOT give in, and she's not about to let me give up, either.

I'm really not much of a poet, but I hope you'll forgive me being metaphorical here: I often think of her as a ship. (Kind of ironic I call her Oater-Boater) She saved me from drowning in shark-infested waters and she's carried me on this incredible journey ever since. Unfortunately, ships don't go forever. I know one of these days she's gonna drop me off on an island somewhere, and sail off without me. I dread this day more than anything, ever. I know she'll drop me off at a very safe place, but it's gonna take all I've got to not follow her. Luckily, I know that there could be no worse insult to her memory than to undo all of the good she's done for me, and I won't.

Some debts can never be settled. Some kindnesses can never be repaid. I will never be able to give back all that she has given me, but the thing is, I don't have to. We love each other to death, and that's all that matters.

So! Thank you for letting me go on and on about this silly old dog. I know it won't have much effect on your life, but it does me good to talk about her. All I can say to you is, if you ever get lonely, maybe... get a pet. I'm a living example of what good one animal can do.


Hey guess what??

I'm OFF JURY DUTY! Woo-hoo!


Thursday, September 3, 2015

A Brief Listory

Happy September to Cyberspace! And to you, of course. I am SOOOOOOOOOO excited for the end of September. Why? Well!

  1. I'm tired of Summer heat! I like being cool and wearing hoodies and taking my hair out of it's ever-present Summer Ponytail.
  2. Fall and Winter are my favorite times of the year. I love Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Years....and St. Andrew's Day!
I thought for today's Wordsday Thursday, I'd do a bunch of lists concerning my history... a Listory, if you will. The alternate name would, I suppose, be "Hist," but just because Pottermore sorted me into Slytherin, I don't have to act like it!

A few months ago, I was in the Medicine Shoppe waiting for a prescription to be filled (I'm there all the time) and I was struck with curiosity about my medical file... more specifically what and how many medications I have taken over the years. I must say, the staff was incredibly obliging and printed me out a list of all the prescriptions they filled for me over the past 10 years (they couldn't go back any farther). Now, keep in mind this is including repeats- say every time a doctor wrote me a new prescription for a medicine I'd been taking a while. It was 51 pages. Granted, there were quite a few one-time meds: for colds and flus and stomach problems, and painkillers for having my Wisdom teeth removed. Still, the remaining list is quite impressive, and I'd like to share it with you! There are a few on the list that are very similar, but not quite the same things. Everything in the list was used to treat, in part or in entirety, my Schizoaffective/Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders. Also, keep in mind back when this list started, they just thought I had an awful case of depression. It's been a long journey!
  1. Fluoxetine
  2. Lithium
  3. Welbutrin
  4. Risperdal
  5. Budeprion
  6. Lexapro
  7. Levothyroxin (used to counteract the damage caused by taking Lithium)
  8. Abilify
  9. Invega
  10. Geodon
  11. Lunesta
  12. Seroquel
  13. Risperidone
  14. Lamotrigine
  15. Lamictal
  16. Depakote
  17. Topiramate
  18. Divalproex
  19. Diazepam
  20. Zyprexa
  21. Clozapine
  22. Citalopram
  23. Numerous facial creams to combat my Lithium-induced acne (nice try!)

If it seems like I'm bragging, I am. Well... not exactly, but I'm proud of how far I've come. I remember one night, several years ago, I looked down at my hand just overflowing with pills that were just barely keeping me functioning, and thought, "I don't want to do this for the rest of my life. Something's gotta change." And it did! I finally found the pills that make me feel good and alive, and I'm doing better than ever. If anybody reading this is going through a similar struggle, just keep fighting! You'll get there, I promise.

My mind is really not a very quiet place. I have music on repeat. All. The. Time. And stupid, annoying music too! I mean, I know from time to time we all get "How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?" stuck in our heads, or some new song that's played on the radio all the time, but I've got a few "favorites" that keep inexplicably popping up:

  1. We Wish You a Merry Christmas (this affects me all year long, I can't figure it out)
  2. The Meow-Mix jingle
  3. This tune from the movie "Amadeus"

The top news headlines I remember most vividly:
  1. "AMERICA AT WAR"- I was actually home sick with a cold on September 11, 2001, so I saw the news about it all day. This headline kept popping up and it's bracing frankness was more than a little bit terrifying
  2. "NEW MEXICO ON FIRE"- More recently, when we had the Track Fire here in New Mexico, that same summer there were just dozens and dozens of fires all over the state. On the news at night they'd show a map of NM and it was almost entirely made up of red areas, indicating out-of-control wildfires. It was scary and depressing.

And finally, here is a list of all the world disasters that I shouldn't have lived through, but managed to pull through anyway:
  1. Y2K
  2. Swine flu
  3. The Mayans calendar prediction of the World ending in 2012
  4. Jury duty
Just kiddin'.... kind of.

