Thursday, July 7, 2016


Last night I bleached my hair! I do so periodically before I dye it to make my hair color even more vibrant. But every morning that I wake up, look in the mirror and see my bleached hair, I do a raised eyebrows, gasp-y, hands-flying-to-my-scalp, "Whoa!" kinda double-take maneuver because it looks so weird. It looks like my hairline is receding or something. Don't believe me?

But I'm sure some people would say it's no better or worse-looking that way than when I color it the way I want to! Which is (currently, the exact colors change a lot) like this:

I know the first thing most people notice about me when first seeing me would be my hair. Quite understandably! It is quite conspicuous. Some people compliment me on it, a few tease me or laugh at me, and most say nothing at all. 

I KNOW it is not everyone's cup of tea. I know some people think it looks stupid, or too flashy. They think I do it to rebel or for attention, but they're wrong. I do it because it makes me feel prettier. I've been dyeing my hair for half my life now, and the brightness has become a part of me. 

When I was in 6th grade and was so depressed, everything in my life felt dark, and it made me want to appear as dark as I felt. I painted my fingernails black, and if my parents would have let me, I would have worn all black all the time, and dyed my hair pitch black and worn black lipstick.

Do you know what led me to dye my hair the first time? It was just a few weeks after my suicide attempt, and I had just gotten Otis, and I told my mom, "I feel different. Like I'm getting a new start to life. I wish I could do something to mark on the outside how I feel on the inside." And we agreed on hair dye! The first time, she took me to a hair salon in the Pueblo mall, where they gave me a light streak of red that faded out quickly. So! We bought a bottle of teal hair dye from Hot Topic and my mom started dyeing my hair at home- my mom started it, and then my sister helped me for a while, and my friend after that... I'm finally doing it myself! It's been just about every color. And, as the name of the blog is named HAIRVOLUTION, I will give you picture proof of my hair color evolution:

So I still wear black a lot... hey, shut up, it's my color! But now I wear green and gold eyeliner and wear blue jeans just about everyday. And most importantly, my hair has been every color of the rainbow, and seeing it bright and pretty makes me feel the same.

So when I look in the mirror and laugh at the odd bleached-effect, I know it's a small price to pay for having hair that makes me feel beautiful and the reminder that life is colorful too! Not always dark.

I have written before about my scars. (See?) There are some things about ourselves we can't change... and things we shouldn't! But I say if it's something little appearance-wise that you want to change about yourself, do it. My mom dyed her hair blue and she totally rocked it! I feel the same way about tattoos. If it is important to you, you should go for it.


Happy Thursday! (I'm off to dye! haha)


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