Thursday, October 13, 2016

Facebook TBT... 2 YEARS WORTH

I had an appointment up in Pueblo today! I puttered around the mall a little (they've got a Halloween store open!), and I had to walk through Barnes & Noble, of course. But the most exciting thing was... I went to a movie by myself! Sound stupid? Maybe. But it felt like an accomplishment. I've never in my life gone to a movie theater by myself. I went to see... (drum-roll!)

SUICIDE SQUAD!! For the 4th time! What can I say.. I love it! And I found out that it won't be released on DVD until December sometime and I didn't want to wait that long before I saw it again. It originally came out over two months ago, and today in the theater, it was just me and some weird girl who went to the very back of the movie theater and slept the whole time.

After that, I drove back to Trinidad and met my sister and dad for Chinese food. Delicious!

I tell you all of this because I'm trying to sound like I have a super busy, crazy life and simply don't have the time to come up with good blog ideas. Ahem. Seeing as I didn't have ONE good creative blog idea, I decided to go back through my Facebook posts and share some of the funnier and more interesting ones, particularly the anecdotal ones. I shared one (see below!) the other day about a customer and his dog and a lot of people liked it. Stories of people are fun. Throwback Thursday!

October 12th, 2016

This afternoon I had an older man come in to buy some parts for a chainsaw. When he came up to the front counter to pay, he dug deep in his pockets and pulled out a handful of crumpled ones and fives, along with some loose change that clattered across the counter, and one thing more. You know the folders and binders that are really popular in grade school, the ones with the pictures of kittens and puppies in fields of flowers or fast asleep on the couch? Well, this man pulled out a similar little notepad with a fat fluffy puppy on the cover. I saw it and smiled.. who doesn't like puppies??? He followed my line of sight to the notepad and gave a quiet chuckle. He nudged it gently with his thumb and told me, "This is exactly what my dog looked like as a puppy. Mix of a German Shepherd and a Lab... smartest dog I ever met. He could spell! I'd tell him, 'Want some M-I-L-K?' and he would run over to the fridge. I'd say, 'Shh! Here comes a C-A-T!' and he would growl." He was quiet for a second, while internally I was awwwwww-ing like crazy. "Had him for 17 years," the man said. "I still miss him everyday."
So I just got home and hugged Otis for about five minutes, and kissed her nose, and told her she could never ever leave me. And then I gave her a H-O-T-D-O-G.

July 8th, 2016

If anyone ever needs proof that I'm a good person, tell them that today, at SuperSave, I pushed not only my own shopping cart, but also my father's shopping cart, and then some lazy stranger's shopping cart all the way to the cart return across the wet, soggy parking lot. You're welcome, world.

May 10th, 2016

Can I just admit something, please? I LIKE TO SING IN THE SHOWER. I am an awwwwwwful singer, but with no one around to mock me, I enjoy it. I have a rather... eclectic taste in music, so I have quite a variety of material to sing-- anywhere from Backstreet Boys' "The Call" to Lamb of God's "Omerta" (although that one is not so sing-y.) But every so often, I really feel like challenging myself...

May 4th, 2016

So I was just in Kmart getting some necessities, and a young woman approached me as I was digging through the $5.00 movie bin. "Do you work here??" she demanded, looking peeved.
"Um, no," I answered. Bewildered, I looked down at my clothes. I was wearing blue jeans, a black Star Wars T-shirt, and purple Crocs. I wasn't even wearing my ACE apron, which might throw people off.
"Oh, sorry," she said, turning pink. "I was gonna yell at you about your printer ink." She ducked her head sheepishly and turned away.
"No...problem," I managed.
I bent down to pick up the basket at my feet.
"Excuse me!" an older woman called. "Do you work here??"
"WTF!!" my subconscious squawked.
My brow furrowed. "No, sorry, I don't."
"Oh, okay," she said, looking embarrassed.
The man she was shopping with shook his head as they walked away. "No!! She works at ACE, remember?"
I texted my sister, dumbfounded. Her theory is that people recognize me from ACE, and, without thinking, assume I work there. My theory is that I just exude an air of authority.

March 14th, 2016

Hi, Facebook people! I'm sorry I haven't posted much or been really active online lately... I've had a crazy few weeks! To make a long story short, I was sent to the ER where they found blood clots in my lungs and right leg, I was flown by helicopter to a hospital in Albuquerque, and I stayed there a few days while they did tests and started me on blood thinners. I am so happy to report that I am feeling fine and I am back home! I'll just be on blood thinners a while, plus I have to be on oxygen 24/7. I probably won't be online much for a while, but at the very least, when I feel up to it, I have plenty to blog about!! :) Thanks to everyone who has given support, visited me and checked up on me!

January 22nd, 2016

So! This is THE PRESENT! For my sister's birthday, I took a cheap Barbie doll and hand-made clothes to make her look like Pam Beesly from The Office. Easier said than done! I am no sewing master... I used a hot-glue gun! So I took handkerchief-size pieces of fabric, cut them into weird shapes, and glued them together. I cut and styled the Barbie's hair to look more like Pam's. I went to KMart and bought a little tiny pack of accessories to find shoes that look like Pam's white ones. Finally, because Pam is kind of pale, I white-washed the Barbie's skin with water and acrylic paint because the Barbie was a "beach" Barbie and was much too tan. Kind of dumb, but I am proud of the result!

January 9th, 2016

Question: what is it about humans vomiting that cats find so fascinating? Every time I puke I have a captivated audience

January 7th, 2016

I keep having bad dreams about showing up to Middle School Band rehearsals and having no knowledge of the music we are playing and no reeds for my clarinet. Note to subconscious: Mid School Band was TEN YEARS ago! Calm down!

December 25th, 2015

I think I hear Santa on my roof!! Either that or my festive neighbors with bad timing are setting off a bunch of fireworks...

December 7th, 2015

So for the third consecutive work day, I got totally busted jamming to the radio.. singing softly (and poorly), bopping around in a version of a dance. Black Sabbath, Taylor Swift, and "Feliz Navidad". What can I say? I have eclectic musical tastes

December 4th, 2015

What is it about homemade Christmas presents that has me spray painting outside at 10:00 at night, in 33 degree weather? I swear this happened to me last year, too...

November 22nd, 2015

Today I cleaned out my refrigerator. On the bottom shelf, towards the back, I found a burnable CD. I'm rather... puzzled

September 8th, 2015

If, like me, you ever lose track of your cats, all you have to do is:
A. Put out an empty cardboard box or
B. Try to make your bed up neatly.
I guarantee they will pop up out of nowhere

September 5th, 2015

Just saw the year's first Christmas ad on TV. September 5th... kudos, Kmart!

June 12th, 2015

Damn it, InGen! When will you learn you cannot successfully make a dinosaur-based theme park?!

May 27th, 2015

Gotta love family trips to the liquor store...

April 29th, 2015

One of the coolest scenes from one of the best movies ever! Made even cooler since Children of Bodom used parts of this requiem in their song "Red Light in My Eyes, Part 2!" I need to watch this movie again!

April 17th, 2015

Just now I was outside with Otis, throwing her tennis ball. She started digging in the soft, damp earth and I scolded her, "Don't dig up the yard! You're not a gopher." As soon as I uttered the word "gopher", she stopped mid-dig and stared at me with rapt attention. Bewildered by her odd reaction, I tried the word again. "Gopher...?" She tossed her head excitedly and ran across the yard to look me in the eyes. It took me a solid 5 minutes to figure out that when I say "gopher", like the burrowing rodent, she hears "go for", as in "go for a ride" or "go for a walk." I need to work on my enunciation...

April 1st, 2015

Just now I was outside throwing a tennis ball for Otis and a small white feather, carried by a light breeze, circled slowly in the air before gently landing next to me. I had the strong urge to tuck it into an old copy of Curious George! I don't have one here, but surely another good book will do! After all, this may be the start of my story :)

March 25th, 2015

I made this for Elizabeth Record :) It's a riddle! Haha! A very easy riddle...

March 7th, 2015

Last night I was getting ready for bed and I put Otis outside while I brushed my teeth. I took a big swig of mouthwash and swished it around while I let Otis back inside. That was when I hit my heel hard on the metal doorframe, scraping off skin and drawing blood. Normally I would have shouted and cursed because it hurt! But my mouth was full of Listerine, so, instead I collapsed onto my knees, letting out this nasal bellow like an injured cow! It's times like these that I'm glad I live alone..

March 1st, 2015

In my opinion, if you don't feel at least a little bit like a mad scientist when dyeing your hair, you're doing it wrong

February 27th, 2015

Aww, snap!

February 26th, 2015

Over the past 12 hours or so I watched Game of Thrones, Season 4 in its entirety- 10 episodes, about an hour apiece, plus breaks to let the dog out and time to re-watch certain scenes over and over because I couldn't believe they actually happened. My mind is in a dumb-struck jumble! On the bright side, I don't even remember the last time I was up this early! It just probably doesn't count because I haven't gone to bed yet...

February 1st, 2015

So I know everyone's been all pumped about the damn Super Bowl, and the scores and statistics that go along with it. But now I have a much more urgent and pressing question of chances and statistics: WILL THE GROUNDHOG SEE HIS SHADOW?

January 29th, 2015

After I got out of the shower last night, I couldn't find Otis anywhere! I looked all around the new house for her, puzzled and a little worried. Finally I found my sweet old dog, curled up in the back of my closet, sound asleep. Moving really takes it out of you!

January 27th, 2015

Today I officially moved into my new house! Earlier in the day we moved some bigger stuff over like my bed, etc, and this evening I brought over some smaller things like clothes, shampoo, and... PETS! Otis, I was not worried about: she's been riding in cars her whole life. Now the cats... sigh. I will spare you the insignificant details of our journey and just give the highlights: 20 minutes of stuffing cats into carriers, the miserable yowling of 3 pissed off cats in the car, running into a police blockade, Amy escaping from her carrier (loose in the car!), driving like a bat out of hell to end the misery, grabbing Amy and dashing into the house while she thrashed around like a fish. I am glad to be HOME!! 

January 22nd, 2015

I will soon be moving across town and I've been packing like crazy and I've had to arrange for my internet and TV to be moved to the new house. Last night I called to transfer the TV and I have to say, the woman I spoke to was probably THE CHATTIEST customer service rep ever. She told me to make sure and rest a lot because she'd "heard a lot of people in New Mexico have colds" and our conversation ended with her approving of my constant reading because it "helps build vocabulary". I'm not quite that chatty, but it was still nice

January 14th, 2015

My cat Sheldon just made his great escape. I had the door open for Otis to come back inside and quick as, well, a cat, he darted past my feet, through my outstretched arms, amidst my cries of "Dammit, Sheldon, no!" outside into the cold night. He took a few bounds, skidded on the icy sidewalk, and turned tail and ran back into the warm house, meowing madly. Jeeeeeeez. What a weenie. I was expecting more of an adventure...

January 12th, 2015

My dad is so awesome. He recently got a new phone and every so often he has problems texting. I got a mysterious text from him with weird letters and characters, then a minute later he explained he couldn't get rid of the damn text, so he just sent it. Problem solving!!

January 7th, 2016

I was just watching the People's Choice Awards with my dad and sister and the last award was given by Rainn Wilson (Dwight Schrute from The Office!) to "The Best TV Show", which included Game of Thrones, The Big Bang Theory, and NCIS. I just about died.

January 4th, 2015

So, thanks to Elizabeth Record and David Henry I've been obsessed with the show Game of Thrones for months and months now. Today my dad, David and I helped my sister move her things down to Abq, where she will be going to school. On the way home my dad and I stopped in Santa Fe and I purchased the first GOT book, because its high time I read the series and become even more obsessed. WELL on the back cover it gave some info on the author, George R. R. Martin. Where does he live? SANTA FE!! Where does he also like to hang out? ALBUQUERQUE! WHAT is this MADNESS!! I think I'm gonna be spending lotsa time with my sister in Abq 

December 22nd, 2014

So, one thing is for sure... before tonight I had never spray painted something black outside. At night. With only a flashlight. In windy, 40 degree weather. I'm not very confident in the paint job, but hey Christmas is 3 days away! Remind me to start earlier next year...

November 4th, 2014

So I was watching The Office and I realized I totally have a crush on Jim Halpert. Unfortunately it would probably not work out because I'm like a female version of Dwight Schrute...

October 25th, 2014

I was just watching Napoleon Dynamite and it made me realize... I kinda want a love like Kip and LaFawnduh's

Two whole years worth of interesting tidbits! This is what most people use Twitter for. Alas! And this is nowhere NEAR all the things I post on FB of pictures and blog notices and whatnot. These are just a select few.

I PROMISE to have a better blog next week!! Either that or better excuses ;)

Happy Throwback Thursday, guys.


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