Well, a lot of them, anyway. All of mine, certainly! I mean, I once saw a rough-looking guy with "FUCK ALL YOUS BITCHES" tattooed on his forearms, in the doctor's office waiting room, of all places! I didn't particularly like that one, although I'm sure there was an... interesting story behind it.
And when it comes to tattoos, I know I'm not alone! Especially people around my age.. we've really grown up seeing them on on actors, musicians, friends, siblings, parents. You know, Pocahontas had one, and so did most of the Spice Girls!
I think to my generation, tattoos are common enough that we don't see the... extremity of them, just their individuality, their creativity. To me, they are just another form of expression, a way of showing the world something is important to us. The saying "Wearing my heart on my sleeve" has now become "Wearing my love in my skin." Well, mostly! The guy in the doctor's office was obviously going in a different direction.
But I also know some people don't really like tattoos at all. And that's okay, too. Absolutely! I know a lot of my family members would fall into this category. Sometimes I just wish I could show you tattoos through my eyes! They are a way to celebrate, to mourn, to love, to learn, to change. And I don't bring this up so that you want to go out and get tattoos, of course not! I just wish I could explain it so you might understand why it is I love them, and love getting them.
This totally surprises me, but at 24, I already have moments when I think, "Those kids today! They do the weirdest things!" even though I'm only a few years ahead of them. These kiddo's fascination with Justin Bieber, I will never get. Or shaving off half their eyebrows. Or eating "McNasties" at McDonalds. I can only figure this is what some older generations think about tattoos. Or dyeing our hair or piercing our bodies in odd places.
I am very family-oriented, and I HATE disappointing my family and making them mad at me. Getting tattoos shouldn't make them angry, but I worry that it will... I just hope they know that me getting tattooed is never to hurt them, but to feel better about myself.
And I have devised a plan! A creative, effective plan! As I have written previously, I am working on my first book. I originally gave myself a deadline of Christmas this year to finish writing, but then I went and got blood clots in my lungs and, later, had to change some of my meds around. Excuses, excuses, I know! Well, I decided that only after completing the book will I allow myself to get any more tattoos. It's been about 6 years since my last one! And what strange things will I someday be tattooing? you ask. Strange things like my Otis' pawprint, of course! :) And different sayings and symbol that are important to me. Nothing crazy, or in crazy places. Just things I can look at and smile.
Like my crazy hair, my tattoos are just another way I feel unique and individual and attractive.
Happy Thursday, guys!!
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