Friday, October 7, 2016

Priceless Photos Included

You know how they say, "A picture is worth a thousand words..."? Well, dammit, it's Thursday night and I'm at a loss for good blogging material. So! I perused my Facebook for some of the more... interesting photos I have on there.. just to tell you the odd/funny/weird stories behind them!

We'll start out with a classic: Alexi Laiho!!

If you're unfamiliar with him, Alexi is the lead-guitarist and and lead singer for the band Children of Bodom! They remain my favorite band, but I used to be flat-out CRAY-SEE for them. So imagine my (and my friends and bandmates) delight to learn that CoB was doing a meet-and-greet in Albuquerque before performing a concert at the Sunshine Theater! A bit of background before I continue: I had a huge crush on Alexi Laiho and everybody knew and teased me about it. They said I liked him so much I was beginning to look like him!... and they kind of had a point. Short in stature, long stringy brownish hair, and an affinity for black t-shirts and guitars! ANYWAY! Knowing I would be seeing him face to face, I decided to dress exactly as he did! I wore my special Children of Bodom shirt FROM FINLAND and WRITTEN IN FINNISH, camo pants with chains, and drawn on tattoos to match his.  I gotta say, there was a lot of preparation for what turned out to be a 20 second conversation, but it was so incredibly worth it. You see, on the back of my Finnish CoB t-shirt was a few Finnish words that even hours searching the web could not decipher. So, while the band was signing a t-shirt for me, I gathered my nerve and asked, just what did the back of my shirt mean? And the band kinda got quiet and all looked at each other. Finally Alexi and Janne (the keyboardist) said together, "It's just a saying..." Years and years later, I finally found out it actually meant "Dumbasses Ahead," or something to that effect. Anyway, after exiting the Hot Topic meet and greet location, my friends and I ran screaming from one end of the mall to the other! Finally, we headed back to the store to find my dad. He had not joined us in line, so he had just waited patiently by the door. Turns out, when the band passed him going in, he SHOOK ALEXI'S HAND! I pressed him for details- what did he say What was it like!! All he could come up with was, "He's a tiny little dude, isn't he?"

So! The above pics are a drawing of Alexi, me dressed up as Alexi, and finally Alexi himself!

"Seize the Day," Avenged Sevenfold

Okay! Below I have the link to see the actual video, which I whole-heartedly recommend watching. But just in case you haven't seen the "Seize the Day" music video, and have no desire to, I will summarize it for you. A group of rapscallions (the band) decide they will rob a liquor store despite the band's lead singer's (who shall now be referred to as M. Shadows) pregnant girlfriend's protests. They go. They rob. M. Shadows gets caught. He goes to prison. More happens after that but its irrelevant to this story because all of the scenes in which the band is seen playing are filmed in the prison with the band behind a chain link fence (like this one!) and in one particularly emotional part of the song M. Shadows comes and throttles the fence violently. That was my friends and my favorite part so we decided to re-create it at a nearby park. This song will forever be (for me personally) one of the annoyingest, nasally-sung song ever, and I LOVE it! Click HERE to see the Real Deal

And WHILE we're on the subject of recreating music videos:

"The Truth About Heaven"

As I said, it was another excellent scene to recreate! I must say, both of the original music videos were pretty serious, but somehow parts were still really funny.

Winning the 50/50 raffle!

On one fateful Friday night, I went with my sister to a Raton Tiger's football game. As is customary, we each invested a few bucks in the raffle.. but we were laughing amongst ourselves because earlier in the day, we had eaten Chinese, and my sister's fortune cookie predicted that she would soon come into a great fortune! Well, what do you know!! She won the raffle! This pic is from a little later in the car.. I told her to fan out her cash like you always seen gangsters do on television... not quite as impressive with ones and fives, but still!

"Head Shots"

A couple years ago now, there was a little casting call held at the Shuler. Anyone interested could bring in a head-shot and an information sheet- apparently they were casting extras for some different movies that would be filmed in the area. Well, we thought: why not!! And that night, my sister and I tried our hand at professional photos. Obviously the bottom shot is what we were going for, but I had wayyyy more pics like the top one.

Red River Bike Festival

One year I went with my sister to Red River while the bike rally was in full swing. It was really cool! Bikes and leather and beer all OVER the place!! There was tent after tent of motorcycle merchandise and clothes and bandannas and jewelry. There was even a makeshift stripper pole in the middle of the street! Then, wayyyy off to the side was this little tent. Freaking adorable. And so nice! They gave us a bunch of free stickers!

MIDDLE EARTH... the cake version

Two things about me: I like decorating cakes and I LOOOOOOOOOOVE me some Lord of the Rings!! And to you picky people out there, yeah, yeah, I know it is technically inaccurate but I had to make it work for the cake! And I must say it was delicious... chocolatey, Tolkein-y goodness.


A few years back, I got an awful, awful cold and it realllllllly beat up my lungs! So, for what seemed to be a very, very, very long time, I had to use the above nebulizer to pump albuterol into my lungs several times daily. And right in the middle of this, I went with my dad, uncle, and sister on an ACE trip, and I had to take the whole apparatus with me! Of course, now that I got to live with 24/7 oxygen tanks, the nebulizer was certainly not that bad.

You know, after working at this a while, I realized I have more "weird" pictures than normal ones!

Happy Words-and Picture-day Thursday!


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