So... surprise! I have compiled yet another list! This time of immature behaviors that I can't seem to get rid of.
- I mercilessly tease and mock my animals. I can be just brutal. When my cats finish off the crunchers in their bowl and begin to yowl, I mimic their sad, helpless meows. That makes them even more distraught!.. until I feed them their Friskies Indoor Delights, and then they're perfectly fine. When Otis begins to whine because she wants something, I always say aloud, to no one in particular, in sort of a sing-song voice, "Otis is sad. Otis is crying. Otis is upset." And then she just tosses her pretty brown head and huffs. And then I just laugh and give her what she's whining for. What can I say? I'm a bad person to enjoy making fun of them.
- I... I drink directly out of the juice bottle from the fridge. Don't judge me! No one else living here drinks it.. why dirty a cup?
- Semi-recently, the redone version of "Beauty and the Beast" came out, and I bought a few of the catchy songs on iTunes. Well, I don't know how it happened exactly, but now every time the "Gaston" song comes on, I sing it to Sheldon, my cat. It really suits him! Here- here's the song. Now, every time they say "Gaston" sing "Shel-don." It's great! And it makes him so proud.
- I own (and, yes, ENJOY! Shut up!) both "The Swan Princess" and "Black Swan", which is interesting because they're based around the same story but are at totally opposite ends of the spectrum
- I have a vocabulary issue.. "CHECK!" It drives my sister nuts sometimes. This... incredible world is so useful, so all-purpose! It's basically an affirmative-type answer for ANYTHING! Such as:
"Do you have your jacket?"
"I'll meet you over by the back door!"
"It's been a busy day..."
"Check!" - Up front at the store, we have a desktop calendar and I have spent HOURS staring at it, and more specifically, at the artwork on it. To me, it's one of those pictures that, the longer you look, the stranger it gets..
Just some major perspective and size-problems. And then weird stuff, like the van in bottom right corner of the second picture. I suppose it's supposed to be reflections of the setting sun, but it looks like the inside of the vehicle is engulfed in flames! And while it's nice to include a pregnant woman (top pic, bottom left) I think it's funny they have her car all crumpled up, and she looks so serene.
They're just weird pics. And I don't know if it's the writer in me, or just childlike boredom, but I find myself looking for stories in the picture. Trying to figure out who knows who, where they live, why.
I'll let you know if I come to any decisions... I"ll be looking at it for another seven months!
Happy Wordsday Thursday!