Thursday, May 18, 2017

Dollars and Sense

I think we all know that our happiness is not dependent on money. Money cannot buy love or positivity... in fact, the best things in life are free! Case in point: both Otis and Mosey were absolutely free to me! But, I think we also all know that money can be fun occasionally... and it just makes life easier sometimes. Unfortunately it's just an essential part of life. Case in point: paying for my animals getting fixed, and buying my cats' favorite food, Friskies Indoor Delights. And, you know, food and gasoline and medical bills and stuff.

Anyway, as you know, I aspire to being a famous writer one day. Not just for fame and fortune, but because it's what I love. I want to tell important stories to the world. But I often wonder, if I ever achieve my goals, and I make a sizeable amount of money, how would I spend it? What will I put priority on? What will be important to me?

So! For fun! Though I am nowhere near this point now, the following list is what I imagine I would (and may one day!) spend my fortune on..

  • I will buy plane tickets to West Virginia any damn time I miss my mom and want to see her!
  • Any time I am checking out at KMart and I am given the option of donating a few dollars to a worthwhile charity, I always, always will! (I already do that at Petsmart) In fact, I will chose the maximum!
  • I will travel to places like Finland, to see Lake Bodom, and New Zealand, to see the filming locations of the Lord of the Rings films.
  • During Christmastime I will carry wads of cash to give away to the bell-ringing Santa Clauses.
  • I will spoil my family rotten! I will buy my dad cool cars and a huge kitchen and I will buy my mom a castle-like chicken coop, along with a bunch of baby ducklings and a pond for them to live in. Whether she likes it or not, I will insist on dragging my sister with me, everywhere I travel, and I will pay her for her time.
  • I want to help pay college tuition for just about everyone I know and like.
  • I will allow myself to purchase obscene amount of perfume. And books! Especially books! I dream of one day going to Barnes&Noble and not having to pick the ones I want most from a huge stack.
  • I will hire a housekeeper because I am the worst cleaner in recent history.
  • Humane Society, Humane Society, Humane Society
  • I will build Otis a full-size pool in our backyard
  • I will give back to the scholarships that helped me out.
  • I will see the world, with my sister! I know she has aspirations to travel, AND I am far too much of a wimp to go by myself.. not to mention I'd miss her too much
  • I will try to meet celebrities like Paul Giamatti and Tom Hiddleston and Jason Isaacs, and knowing me, I will turn bright red and be far too shy to speak to them.
  • This is a weird one, but I'd like to be able to help out Raton. I don't want our little town to dry up and fly away!
  • I will no longer have to be a cashier, but I will NEVER forget what it's like to work as one.
  • I will just be happy. WHETHER OR NOT I MAKE IT as an author. I am a lucky person with a great family, and even if I accomplish none of the above, I will still live a great life.

I put at the beginning of this blog "What will I put priority on?" 

Suffice it to say, I think my priorities will always be the same! Family and pets and love. What is important to me now, will still be important to me.

Happy Thursday!


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