Friday, December 4, 2015

ABC's With Sarah

Good evening, internet. Once again, I've postponed posting a blog til the last minute, and I am once again at a loss for inspiration. But! I promised myself I would post a blog every Thursday, dammit! No matter how poor the results are.
I'm really quite sleepy and I'd like to do a quick, easy blog. So! I am going to do word association. Or, rather, letter association. The FIRST thing I think of beginning with each letter. The brain is an interesting machine... let's see what mine will do!

A:  Addison's Disease. I don't even know what the hell that is, but I've been watching a lot of House lately... tons of obscure diseases!

B: Belsnickel! A Santa-Claus-like character of lore, introduced by Dwight Schrute from The Office!

C: Canadians, don't ya know! Ya hoser
D: Duffus Castle! In Scotland. I went there years and years ago with some family, and at first we thought it was pronounced like "doofus". Heh.. whoops!
E: EXPECTO PATRONUM!!! From Harry Potter. I think my patronus would be Otis. Or, like, a turtle or something.

F: Friskie's Indoor Delights, my cat's favorite cat food of choice
G: Great White Sharks... the creeps
H: Harvey Dent! From The Dark Knight
I: Indentations
J: Jim Halpert... and Pam Beesly of course!

K: Katniss Everdeen
L: Laiho. Like Alexi Laiho from Children of Bodom

M: Middle Earth!
N: Niles Crane! From Frasier.

O: Obi Wan Kenobi!! Ha! You thought I was gonna say "Otis", didn't you? GOTCHA
P: PAUL GIAMATTI!! Don't ask me why, but I'm kind of obsessed with him. Every time I see him in a movie I get all excited. It's kind of a joke with my sister and me... we'll be watching trailers at the movies and we'll see him and immediately look at each other and mouth "PAUL GIAMATTI!!"

Q: Quenya- Elvish!
R: Redneck... the song from Lamb of God, of course!
S: Sheldon! Record and Cooper


T: Targaryens. Look, I like the Starks too, but I've made Targaryen my house, okay?

U: Untying knots of Christmas lights
V: Vikings! The rough conquerors, not the sports team
W: Winchesters. From Supernatural, my favorite new show
X: Xenophilius Lovegood, editor of The Quibbler
Y: Yo-yo. Very original.
Z: Zzzzzzzz's... like sleep! Like what I should be doing now!

Good night!

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