Thursday, December 10, 2015

SUPERNATURAL! Ready! Set!....


So, guess what! It's late on Thursday and here I am blogging quickly. Story of my life! But in this quick blog I hope to impart some wisdom that I learned today... You never know when you may need it!

Since it was my day off, I hung out with my sister all day and we binge-watched "Supernatural", my new favorite TV obsession. It has been around for a long time, but my sister just recently introduced it to me. If you are unfamiliar with the series, it is centered around two brothers who hunt and kill supernatural (WHAT!) creatures... kind of a CSI for demons, you know? Excellent television! Anyway, after watching 8 or 10 episodes with my sister in a row, I do have some practical advice...

  • Carry salt with you EVERYWHERE. It repels/traps demons
  • Got some spare time? Work on your Latin
  • It is both funny and maddening watching episodes that are new to you, but that your viewing partner has seen because she is practically bouncing out of her seat trying not to spoil plot secrets. Also, it is frustrating because she revels in your shock when crazy shit goes down
  • Trust NO ONE you don't know! Especially pretty young girls... they're always trouble!
  • It is almost a given that when you are eating something, a particularly gross or grisly episode will come on and make it hard to enjoy your snack
  • You will never ever love your car as much as Dean Winchester loves his. Don't even try
  • Holy water is one of the sneakiest and most effective tools in your arsenal
  • When hunting, get ready to spend a LOT of time in libraries and on the internet. Knowledge is truly the best weapon!
  • Just when you think you have FINALLY gotten rid of one of those awful, annoying characters (Meg, Gordon, Bela) another one POPS UP! Dammit
  • The Winchesters make credit-card fraud look easy, but I wouldn't recommend trying it. Same with picking locks.
  • Not just people are "Supernatural" fans. My sister's cats love watching it too!
  • ALWAYS have a backup plan. Then a backup-backup plan. When all else fails, wing it!
  • If, like me, you at some points become particularly jaded and cynical, sometimes you grossly misjudge characters, then you feel like an ass for the rest of the season.
  • In Supernatural, no one is EVER truly dead

  • In particularly cruel situations, your viewing partner can really mislead you into thinking one thing will happen, just for your expectations to be rudely interrupted. She thinks she's so crafty!
  • The show is usually intense and exciting and funny, but every so often they put an "awwwww" moment in there to throw you off!
  • After a day of watching Supernatural, the drive home in the dark can really make your imagination run wild! 

Happy Hunting! :)


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