Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas: A Poem!

For Thanksgiving this year I composed a poem! Click here to read it.
I had a lot of fun so I decided to do one for Christmas, too! It didn't come as easily, and as I was watching "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas," I studied Dr. Seuss's genius rhyming and it made me realize how bad I really am! But still, it's good to challenge ourselves sometimes right?

My dearest Mr. Santa Claus-
Hi there, remember me?
I'm a blue-haired girl from New Mexico.
My name is Sarah Lee!
Your white hair shining, your blue eyes bright,
You're really looking well!
Are you feeling generous? Only time will tell!
As it happens, there are some things I'd really like for Christmas.
The fact I am an atheist, well, I hope you will dismiss this.
I truly believe in you, Santa Claus, could you ask for more?
To me you are the spirit of giving, not some myth or lore.
On my list are some material things,
Some on a deeper level.
And you're going to give them all to me,
Aren't you, you handsome devil! ;)
For this list I'll start out small-
10 new pairs of socks!
I'd like a better housework ethic and a bottomless litter box.
Though, that last one's not for me, but Amy, Three, and Shelly.
Having three cats can make life hectic, not to mention smelly.
About once a year my dog sheds. Once? Well, maybe twice.
So I could really use a good hair removal device!
On the subject of Otis, I have a request that brings me close to tears-
I'd give anything for her to live another 80 years.
I want there to be no more sadness, no more pain or fear.
Especially when it comes to those that I hold most dear.
I want there to be no more fighting,
hateful man against man.
I don't think we should hurt each other just because we can.
Of books and of perfume, this year, I'd like an endless supply.
To stomach acid and anxiety, I'd love to say a hearty goodbye.
I'd like a fifty pack of my favorite Chapstick!
A huge selection of hair dyes, the colors I'd pick.
I want humans to embrace our differences instead of living in fear of them.
Things like "genocide" and "prejudice", I hope our children never hear of them.
I'd like to go back in time and tell myself back then,
"You're stronger than you know, I swear this is not the end."
Santa, I hope you don't mind, but I want some more tattoos!
And since it is a very festive Christmas, maybe a little booze?
I'd like a flawless complexion, a stunning physique!
To see a spider and not need to shriek.
I want to hang with my sister,
A day-long Supernatural fest.
I want to be a good writer, and someday be the best.
I need to find my place in life- this I must discover.
I want to make next year count- this and every other.
Now, Santa, even if you do not get me a single thing this year,
Do what you do best and spread a little cheer!

For the record, you ARE allowed to write corny poems at Christmastime. That's a rule!

Merry, merry, merry Christmas to you all!


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